XenTegra - The Citrix Session

The Citrix Session: Announcing the Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 public preview

November 07, 2022 XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton Season 1 Episode 120
The Citrix Session: Announcing the Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 public preview
XenTegra - The Citrix Session
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XenTegra - The Citrix Session
The Citrix Session: Announcing the Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 public preview
Nov 07, 2022 Season 1 Episode 120
XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton

We are excited to announce the public preview of Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 is now available, bringing unique Citrix capabilities to Cloud PCs worldwide.

Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 enables your organization to extend hybrid work scenarios on Cloud PCs to your most challenging use cases. With Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365, your organization will benefit from:

  • The best possible high-definition experience across any network and application. This includes broad telephony and unified communication tool support, optimized multimedia performance, and adaptive throughput for amazing experiences on low bandwidth/high latency connections.
  • Seamless integration with third-party identity solutions, providing diverse authentication and authorization support.
  • Support for the industry’s broadest array of devices and peripherals to guarantee an exceptional experience on any endpoint.
  • Additional layers of security to applications and data through granular policy controls, protecting corporate data from exfiltration.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-Host: Bill Sutton
Co-Host: Geremy Meyers
Co-Host: Todd Smith
Guest: Adam Lotz

Show Notes Transcript

We are excited to announce the public preview of Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 is now available, bringing unique Citrix capabilities to Cloud PCs worldwide.

Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365 enables your organization to extend hybrid work scenarios on Cloud PCs to your most challenging use cases. With Citrix HDX Plus for Windows 365, your organization will benefit from:

  • The best possible high-definition experience across any network and application. This includes broad telephony and unified communication tool support, optimized multimedia performance, and adaptive throughput for amazing experiences on low bandwidth/high latency connections.
  • Seamless integration with third-party identity solutions, providing diverse authentication and authorization support.
  • Support for the industry’s broadest array of devices and peripherals to guarantee an exceptional experience on any endpoint.
  • Additional layers of security to applications and data through granular policy controls, protecting corporate data from exfiltration.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-Host: Bill Sutton
Co-Host: Geremy Meyers
Co-Host: Todd Smith
Guest: Adam Lotz


00:00:02.110 --> 00:00:23.729
Andy Whiteside: Hello, everyone! Welcome to episode. One hundred and twenty of the Citrix Session today is November, the seventh two thousand and twenty-two. I've learned that I've got to start putting the dates somewhere early on in these things, so I can keep them straight myself. I spent a couple of hours of the weekend, trying to untwist all the different podcasts we're doing uh to get all the numbers and things straight and fine. I just gave up and skipped one. I just skipped a number.

00:00:24.180 --> 00:00:43.559
Andy Whiteside: So on that note David prowls from Beacon Credit Union pointed out over the weekend Friday night. He was listening to our podcast. That's pretty cool. Uh he's hit me a text and said that Um! We had a posted this I not we. It's totally my fault. You guys just show up and play long uh I had posted the same podcast twice.

00:00:43.570 --> 00:00:50.119
Andy Whiteside: Maybe I was drinking. I don't know what it was, but uh, Todd, Jeremy Bill and myself had been doing a multi-part

00:00:50.130 --> 00:01:12.880
Andy Whiteside: uh podcast on the blog from heather tat talking about uh twenty two o nine, and the latest release of A. D from Citrix, and all the goodness in there, and I think we're only like halfway through with it after three sessions, so we'll have uh two or three more of those um before we're done, I should currently be part four coming up. I think I actually labeled it part four. When I posted so totally screwed up. So please forgive me. And um,

00:01:12.890 --> 00:01:19.679
Andy Whiteside: you know, enjoy the content. Don't worry about the the title and the number too much, because i'm sure i'm gonna screw up more of those as we go

00:01:19.750 --> 00:01:30.549
Andy Whiteside: uh, but we're lucky enough today to have a special guest with us. Let me introduce my normal panel as well. I got Bill Seven director Services Bill. Is it going? It's going well, Andy, It's a Monday morning.

00:01:30.720 --> 00:01:42.059
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, believe it. Or I listen to our podcast like I'm raked leaves, and I listen to that day. I think I ask you every time the number of hours, a number of projects that going on. Uh, we're just busy. Let's leave about that. That's That's

00:01:42.190 --> 00:01:44.679
Bill Sutton: the easiest way. Quickest way to say it. Yep.

00:01:44.780 --> 00:01:50.980
Andy Whiteside: If you're a citrus consultant or project manager looking for a job, find bill on Linkedin and reach out

00:01:51.130 --> 00:01:59.890
Andy Whiteside: all right. So we also have with us from Citrix. We have Uh, I'll go in order closest to where I live. Jeremy Myers, who has the uh sales, engineers for the east coast. You hear me. How's it going

00:01:59.950 --> 00:02:08.470
Geremy Meyers: going? Great! And i'm super thrilled to be doing this topic today, and i'm glad we got add them on, so not to not to throw it out there. But this is a good topic,

00:02:08.660 --> 00:02:10.459
Geremy Meyers: and i'm pretty stoked.

00:02:10.620 --> 00:02:29.479
Geremy Meyers: Are you in a Are you in a bathroom somewhere? I am, I mean, we work in the phone booth if you will, but it's it's very tight, You know. We work in Charlotte or somewhere else. I here, Charlotte. Yeah, i'm the one the one above the the whole foods, if you will. So we've got three adults around.

00:02:29.490 --> 00:02:32.949
Geremy Meyers: Did you have a small? We were documenting, I think, of Hulu?

00:02:33.520 --> 00:02:42.630
Geremy Meyers: I'm not. I'm not. Is this about how? Um, Adam? Almost through this? Not Adam Lots, but Adam. I forget his last name.

00:02:42.640 --> 00:03:12.630
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, that guy almost travelled the company near the ground. No, but I I get the gist all my big take away from that is so I i'm standing here in an executive suite building right now, and I would really love to start doing what we work wanted to do, which is to start the ability executive buildings in providing a hoteling technologies plus cloud services to the people who work in and outside of those buildings at any point in time. Basically What you probably have as a citrix employee. What I have is an integral employee the rest of the world that no bottles good stuff I would love to be.

00:03:12.640 --> 00:03:22.039
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. So my take is there primarily a real estate company for the most part,

00:03:22.050 --> 00:03:43.729
Andy Whiteside: but they want to be a technology company. That's what the documentary goes through. No kidding. Okay, Well, listen. That's going to be in the queue shadow. A little bit is like what we're going to talk to Adam about. If you could just provide this at a minimum basic windows computer from the cloud with high fidelity. Then you could. You could accomplish that. You could take we work. Plus. I'll just tell us windows three hundred and sixty-five combined the two

00:03:43.740 --> 00:03:45.049
Andy Whiteside: that would be awesome.

00:03:46.740 --> 00:03:57.839
Geremy Meyers: I love it. In the meantime i'm in a bathroom. So there we are.

00:03:57.910 --> 00:03:59.600
Todd Smith - Citrix: That's correct.

00:04:00.390 --> 00:04:03.479
Todd Smith - Citrix: By the way by uh Canadian friends

00:04:03.550 --> 00:04:24.540
Geremy Meyers: I love how we always tell the same joke with the Canadians. We always throw a on the end, and because I know you have Ontario. We speak French a little bit. No, Quebec is French, Germany. I just booked that up didn't I? It was Ontario's English. Yeah, we had it this part out I'm. Embarrassed.

00:04:24.600 --> 00:04:32.170
Todd Smith - Citrix: Well, so so the so, the adding eight everything even counts when you're naming your country because it's Ca: and a Da.

00:04:33.040 --> 00:04:47.050
Andy Whiteside: And guys, I I did that for cheese on purpose. It was going to call myself out, Jeremy beat me to. Alright. So our special guest today, Adam lots. Adam is with Citrix has been for a thousand years like literally a thousand years.

00:04:47.060 --> 00:05:10.470
Adam Lotz: Um, and Adam is a wrote a blog that we're gonna cover around windows three hundred and sixty-five. I'm also gonna ask him to help me understand what Citrix is doing with avd versus windows three hundred and sixty-five uh, but, Adam, welcome. What's your official title these days? Yeah, Andy Thanks. It's uh it's great to be here. I'm. Now a director of product marketing over the dazz product set. And yeah have been at Citrix for a very long time, just over twenty years. Now,

00:05:10.480 --> 00:05:19.169
Adam Lotz: i'm so excited to talk about this new technology. And uh, and you know, to brainstorm with you guys about what makes sense and what's going to be important here. As we look forward across the next couple of years.

00:05:19.250 --> 00:05:37.270
Andy Whiteside: So, Adam, you guys uh you and some of your players, some of your team members and myself have been talking for I don't know a year or so. Now about what you guys were doing with avd native and what you're doing with windows three hundred and sixty-five, which is only native. I think it'd help me understand the difference. Well, first of all, if you could, and i'm gonna lead you a little of this uh

00:05:37.280 --> 00:06:00.890
Andy Whiteside: help me understand what avd is specifically around the azure entitlements to run a multi-session enterprise desktop, and then bolt whatever broker you want on or the broke or the brokering piece help our listeners understand what Avd and the different pieces of Abd are. I swear that Microsoft makes it holistic and loops it all together, and Now they're going to do with windows three hundred and sixty-five, but lumps it all together because they really don't want people to know the differences.

00:06:00.970 --> 00:06:18.550
Adam Lotz: It yeah, I mean, Andy, it is a bit of a challenge, right? So Microsoft's good as your virtual desktop or avd, and then, and that's been out for a few years now, right, and everyone's sort of got their their feed number them there and say, Okay, it's all about the hosting the workloads. We've got multi session windows ten multi-session windows eleven, and I I think you hit the nail on the head right We Look at

00:06:18.560 --> 00:06:37.130
Adam Lotz: as your virtual desktop, as being more of an extensible platform. So it's got the operating system. We've got some entitlement benefits in your E three or E five uh Microsoft subscriptions. Uh: but we can really look at that as being sort of the cloud incarnation of Rds right There's still um, you know. They got a cloud brokering system, but it's really about the entitlements you get,

00:06:37.140 --> 00:06:40.410
Adam Lotz: and the ability to run those workloads inside the azure cloud.

00:06:40.500 --> 00:07:06.699
Adam Lotz: And then, yeah, So we talk about Citrix and Avd. And you know. I hate to say this out loud, but you know in many cases we're replacing those as your virtual desktop components right when you're running those things together. When you're running Citrix as your virtual desktop, you're taking advantage of the Citrix brokering system and the Hdx protocol, and all the work we put into that over the years, and you're learning that on top of that, as your virtual desktop subscriptions, you get sort of the financial wins from Microsoft there, and that the hosting for Microsoft.

00:07:06.710 --> 00:07:25.769
Adam Lotz: Um, But you get the you know, the maturity of the citric solution for all the actual workloads, which I think is a a real win. So we talk about that a lot right, and that there's a a good win for customers. They're going from on from the cloud, and you know I always say that you know we're friends with everyone in the cloud space, but we're best friends with Microsoft and an Avd. Makes that super super easy to roll out

00:07:25.780 --> 00:07:55.769
Andy Whiteside: me. It's it's like this. Everybody wins at that point you take uh you take a Vd native, and that's like having peanut butter on decent bread, and and just just kind of a bland jelly on top of, and you got a P. I mean you ever had a bad peanut butter, jelly, sandwich, and they they're all pretty good. But then, if you take the citrix piece and put it on top of the as your verse top virtual desktop, entitlement multi-session even that you have now all of a sudden you've got really good smuckers jam on top of that thing and you've got that next level peanut butter and jelly sound.

00:07:55.780 --> 00:08:10.749
Geremy Meyers: Well, I will. I'll say this. So we do this podcast over lunch, and i'm starting to get the vibe that maybe Andy's hungry. But you're absolutely right, you know. But, Adam, I would say, I feel like the big uh advantage to Avd is primarily the licensing right,

00:08:10.760 --> 00:08:23.470
Geremy Meyers: you know. I think some of the advantage outside of the infrastructure itself that, like Microsoft, has over like saying Amazon, is the fact that holy smokes. They make the licensing so compelling by running windows, workloads in an azure cloud. Right? I mean, that's

00:08:23.480 --> 00:08:34.360
Geremy Meyers: that's a little bit of the the secret sauce. There. Uh we do take over the brokering, and it's way more mature. I've had customers do poc where they've told us it's way more mature. But you know I think the advantage has always been

00:08:34.370 --> 00:08:52.140
Geremy Meyers: from a licensed perspective, you know. Listen. You can do multi-user windows ten you're not buying Rds anymore. You know this is very much covered. Not just that, but depending on where you want to run your windows ten when there was eleven, you know Desktop, it could be on prem could be in the cloud. You know Microsoft has just made that very advantageous to do that with Avd,

00:08:52.150 --> 00:09:21.589
Adam Lotz: or just an E. Three e five subscription, I guess what I should say. Yeah, yeah, I mean Jeremy definitely. And the other thing we talk about lot is our our hybrid play there, right. So helping customers get there slowly because you can continue running those data center vms. You can continue to do this workloads. Use the Citrus Cloud control, plan to manage all of it together that way. We're not trying to do a lift and shift It's not a dramatic, you know. Jump to cloud. It's an evolution there, right? And as you start to retire, capacity or as you need more cloud hosting, you can roll that in side by side of the zoom system workloads and use just the citrix console to manage all of it.

00:09:21.600 --> 00:09:39.170
Adam Lotz: So yeah, I mean that's there's a a real win there for customers. And um, and when it comes to choosing a cloud, I mean, I think you know you. You hinted at this right. Microsoft has an unfair advantage, especially for desktop workloads right because they've got all the levers and their control they can. You know they can control the cost. They've got the technology

00:09:39.180 --> 00:09:48.530
Adam Lotz: Um, they've got. You know all the components with, you know things like multi-session, one hundred and eleven right that that make it better to run these desktop workflows in their cloud,

00:09:48.550 --> 00:10:01.000
Adam Lotz: and I think that's great. And um, you know, when customers I still occasionally get the customer says, Hey, like I don't, I don't have a cloud preference. Yet where should I go? Okay, That it's probably azure, right? It's probably where you're gonna land unless you have some very specific

00:10:01.060 --> 00:10:04.410
Adam Lotz: workloads that you're hosting where there's already a back end on a different cloud.

00:10:04.440 --> 00:10:18.080
Adam Lotz: And and even then we've got a great answer right? Because then you can still aggregate all of that with workspace or storefront, your end users don't care that one application is coming out of cloud, A. And other comp applications coming out of cloud. B. You can still have the bulk of your your desktop type workloads running in azure.

00:10:18.360 --> 00:10:21.440
Andy Whiteside: So, Bill, we'll start with you, and then we'll go to toide.

00:10:21.580 --> 00:10:32.670
Andy Whiteside: Did we successfully explain before we jump into the next thing, what azure virtual desktop for Microsoft is. Standalone as well as what it is with a partner like citrix included.

00:10:35.150 --> 00:10:45.620
Bill Sutton: Uh yeah, I think we did, for the most part. Um, you know. There, there's lots of benefits um as Adam and Jeremy pointed out. So Yeah, I think I think we covered it pretty well.

00:10:46.200 --> 00:10:54.999
Geremy Meyers: I I will say the one thing that gets missed, and I just stole Todd's speaking spot here. But the one

00:10:55.440 --> 00:11:12.649
Geremy Meyers: Yeah, you know what you know. What's that? I'll defer. I'll I'll hand it to you. No, no, go ahead. Okay. So you know the one thing that is missing out of that E e um entitlement. The one thing that customers don't always account for uh is consumption.

00:11:12.660 --> 00:11:23.230
Geremy Meyers: So in a lot of my conversations with customers, you know they are like, Hey, listen! We've got avd. We think we're going to leverage it, and the one conversation we need to have with them that we typically have with them is well,

00:11:23.240 --> 00:11:38.620
Geremy Meyers: you know, Do you have any idea what your consumption is gonna look like once you've deployed this, and that's the one thing that gets a little bit missed. In fact, just to lead the witness a little bit, you know. I think that is the one thing that called Pc. Uh, I think, attempts to address um. No, it's not entirely apples to apples. But

00:11:38.630 --> 00:11:43.580
Geremy Meyers: you know I That's the one thing that I think is advantageous about Cloud, Pc. Is the fact that you're

00:11:43.600 --> 00:11:48.249
Geremy Meyers: you know your consumption is sort of committed at that point, or at least accounted for.

00:11:49.130 --> 00:11:59.180
Andy Whiteside: Well, yeah, consumption. That's what the I'm. Not saying Microsoft's misleading, but they want you to get into the cloud and figure out later whether or not you can get the consumption under control or not.

00:12:00.060 --> 00:12:10.320
Todd Smith - Citrix: Um, Todd. Yeah. So So I think the biggest thing and did a great job explaining it. So to Bill and uh, Bill and Jeremy as well. But, uh, I think there's

00:12:10.340 --> 00:12:12.250
Todd Smith - Citrix: There's one underlying

00:12:12.690 --> 00:12:17.639
Todd Smith - Citrix: problem that we're still trying to face, and that is the history of

00:12:18.000 --> 00:12:36.549
Todd Smith - Citrix: uh, everything could be solved with a free Vdi instance right? Which was oftentimes very expensive to stand up. It was very expensive to maintain, and it really didn't meet all of the needs for the customer um in terms of the financial aspects of it, because it was in some cases it was. It was overkill.

00:12:36.620 --> 00:12:37.760
Todd Smith - Citrix: Um

00:12:37.950 --> 00:12:39.110
Todd Smith - Citrix: when

00:12:39.140 --> 00:12:59.089
Todd Smith - Citrix: we can provide a right-sized solution that uses something that's off the shelf right so a wvd component is, you know, it's easy to it's easy to go and find it's easy to obtain, and then you add in what features you need to make it run better or more efficient,

00:12:59.100 --> 00:13:06.430
Todd Smith - Citrix: or more securely. And that's uh, that's actually one of the one of the great things that we've come out with with this uh, with this new offer.

00:13:07.050 --> 00:13:07.990

00:13:08.010 --> 00:13:37.989
Andy Whiteside: So So let me let me do this for the group real quick. I talked to people all the time about this. There's an article. Just Google. It. It's older. It's the only article I've ever seen that actually explained. Avd properly it's sold. It's called Wvd. And in fact, I will argue that Um Microsoft pulled back on the Wvd acronym, because they knew windows three hundred and sixty-five was coming out, and they didn't want to confuse things, but the name of the article by Nicholas. I not do. I think it is. Is everything you need to know about Wvd. Windows, ten Evd. And Citrix and I love the call out the difference between

00:13:38.000 --> 00:14:07.470
Andy Whiteside: wvd ak avd and evd evd being the Entitlement to run a multi-session windows uh client os in azure and wvd being the brokering protocol. Uh, all this around windows. Ten was going to be the last os now windows eleven to me when you read our this article, and it sets the agenda for everything. We're going to talk about. Um. And so with that Um, let's see. Oh, I had a couple of things that came up with doing that. I want to make sure I told you guys about um with that. Uh, we have Adam Watts on.

00:14:07.490 --> 00:14:36.300
Andy Whiteside: Introduce you again, but as The article that you wrote. The blog you wrote is about announcing the citrix Hdx plus for specifically windows three hundred and sixty-five public preview, and if you could help me understand. Does this also? Do you guys have some secret sauce for Abd as well? Um, that doesn't require you to use the citrix brokering plane or is it just going to all be about windows three hundred and sixty-five, and what centers can do to up level That experience

00:14:36.310 --> 00:14:38.579
Adam Lotz: avd versus three hundred and sixty-five,

00:14:38.620 --> 00:14:50.959
Adam Lotz: because that's really the question. I get the most often right now, right? So customers are a little bit confused and and frankly, you know, even our sales team, or sometimes even the Microsoft sales team right like they're talking about as your virtual desktop they're talking about windows three hundred and sixty-five

00:14:50.970 --> 00:14:58.670
Adam Lotz: Um, it's all getting a little bit confusing Right? Exactly. Well, this is all you know. We're all talking about virtual desktops in the cloud and and azure. And why would I go one way or the other?

00:14:58.740 --> 00:15:09.159
Adam Lotz: So I think you know windows three hundred and sixty-five cloud Pc. Is really interesting because of of two specific things, maybe three. That is is bringing to the market here. Right? So um,

00:15:09.170 --> 00:15:27.559
Adam Lotz: you know it is. It is Vdi again, right? It's a dedicated desktop for that, user and it's a desktop assigned to the user And that's important, because just like Todd was saying right. We all these conversations around. You know. Do you want multi-session? Do you want single session? Do you want persistent or non persistent like there's a lot of options in a typical like on prem citrix deployment.

00:15:27.570 --> 00:15:46.330
Adam Lotz: Um. So windows three hundred and sixty-five is specifically going to be persistent and dedicated to an individual user right? So that desktop is tied to that, user and that does simplify some of the management aspects, and it makes something more complicated than it. You know. It does drive that to a particular use case. The other thing that's really important. About three hundred and sixty-five is this: got a flat rate pricing

00:15:46.340 --> 00:15:56.659
Adam Lotz: so just as we were talking about. We know what that means in the cloud. And as you move to azure like, you know, there's a lot of question about. Okay. I've got my my licensing for the hosting under control. But you know, what does my consumption look like,

00:15:57.040 --> 00:16:11.999
Adam Lotz: and something that you know I was surprised to hear from customers is, you know most of the customers I talked to, you know, when they're interested in three hundred and sixty-five we talk with the different options. They have, like they understand. Okay, this is, this is going to be for a particular use case inside my account. It's probably not for everyone wall to wall in the company,

00:16:12.100 --> 00:16:15.049
Adam Lotz: but a lot of the willing to pay more

00:16:15.210 --> 00:16:32.550
Adam Lotz: for that flat rate monthly billing of the the Vm. Versus having it be an unknown which I that was fascinating right? Because I think in in many cases three hundred and sixty-five could be the most expensive virtualization. You have. But it's going to be very like price predictable, and it's going to have that persistence that users understand.

00:16:32.560 --> 00:16:37.970
Adam Lotz: So I think that's a It's an interesting twist, right? So in that sense I I look at windows three hundred and sixty-five, as being

00:16:38.150 --> 00:16:48.090
Adam Lotz: sort of a very specific type of hosting that you want, and especially for citrus customers, is like all right like this is going to tackle a real need. But it's probably some very specific users inside your organization.

00:16:48.100 --> 00:17:04.870
Andy Whiteside: That's that's the key thing to put out right the first part you talked about the idea that it's um. It's not like what we would tell people to do for vdi non persistent, you know, manage the user experience with profiles and in containers like if it's logics and Don't give them admin rights. This is

00:17:04.880 --> 00:17:19.770
Andy Whiteside: the opposite of what we've been telling mid market even some Smb Mid market enterprise customers to do Yet Microsoft's pick it up and running with it like It's the answer to almost everything, because I guess in theory it could be the answer, but it could have a lot of bad things. It drags with it.

00:17:19.819 --> 00:17:27.050
Adam Lotz: Yeah, I think what you have to remember is that when you move to windows three hundred and sixty-five, you start provisioning out these these uh you know these cloud Pcs. To users.

00:17:27.060 --> 00:17:42.959
Adam Lotz: There are two big pitfalls that come with that right? So one is that you still have the endpoint to deal with right? So there's you know you've got that, you didn't that didn't just go away right now. Maybe you have a bring your own Pc. Scenario, maybe using thin clients. Maybe you're using regular devices. There's still an endpoint involved. You you potentially have to manage

00:17:42.970 --> 00:18:01.509
Adam Lotz: um. And then, you know, because that three hundred and sixty-five instance is persistent and dedicated. You've got all of the software stack, desktop management burden of that to deal with as well right now. You don't like it. So big play here is saying that you're gonna manage that through intune. It's going to be very straightforward. Your existing admins will know how to do it, and I think all that's true.

00:18:01.580 --> 00:18:14.809
Adam Lotz: Um. But you're gonna have all those same problems you have with managing a regular device because it does have that persistence. And because, yeah, frankly, you're going to make that user and admin They're gonna run with that the hot Pc. And you don't know what could happen. You know, a year or two years down the road.

00:18:15.080 --> 00:18:25.529
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, we're back to all the same problems we had before, but it's marketable and simple enough that Microsoft always. And so do I at this point that a lot of people are just going to do it.

00:18:25.540 --> 00:18:45.259
Adam Lotz: Yeah, no. And and Don't get me wrong. I think it's great technology. It's It's a bit of a departure from the story we would typically tell right, because, you know, like you said, we, we often go into, you know um, you know, multi session computing conversations, vdi conversations Often the original driver is cost right, if you like. Oh, you know, it seems like a really cost efficient way to deliver. You know my apps to my desktop, and that's true.

00:18:45.270 --> 00:19:02.159
Adam Lotz: But I think the the reality is, and I sort of. We've matured that story over time, you know. It's more important to look at uh security and accessibility and flexible work, and all the other benefits you get like the cost savings. That's a that's a nice win, and and for particular again, particular user populations. You might really want to drive that down

00:19:02.170 --> 00:19:13.510
Adam Lotz: um. But for windows three hundred and sixty-five. They're taking the opposite approach. Okay, you're gonna You're gonna pay a premium for this But it's going to have that persistence. It's going to be cloud hosted. And uh and yeah, it's gonna feel like a regular desktop to that. User

00:19:13.600 --> 00:19:19.700
Andy Whiteside: Let me do this for the group, and then i'll go around that you guys comment on what that is covered so far. But for me this is just Microsoft coming back

00:19:19.710 --> 00:19:33.829
Andy Whiteside: story. So five years ago i'm talking about, centralize and deliver, not deployed, but deliver your compute experience from wherever my data center their data center wherever uh and Microsoft was competing gets me talking about. No, Don't deliver it, Deploy it.

00:19:33.860 --> 00:20:03.849
Andy Whiteside: Well, they've Then they started talking about Okay, Don't, deploy it, deliver it from azure and then. Now they're talking about Okay, Don't, deploy it, deliver for manager, and then turn on and manage it with the same tools. I was competing against this whole model with a couple of years ago. This is just my take not. Citrix is Take not even this. Call this podcast. Take. But my take is they've they're gonna manipulate us right back into where they had us five years ago, and they're going to host that all at the same time and double win on us. And and and I do make it clear. I do think, for some use cases, some population of

00:20:03.860 --> 00:20:17.079
Andy Whiteside: the user population, including A. Z integr. I think twenty of our users. This would be a great solution for, but not eighty, just twenty percent. Um, All right, Bill. I'll let you go first, and then we'll go to Jeremy and Todd. What do you think about the whole idea?

00:20:17.090 --> 00:20:30.629
Bill Sutton: Uh Well, it it's interesting. Uh, I think. There's a lot of truth to what you said, Andy, I I I do circle back on the one thing that Adam said that I I found interesting. Um, not just one thing, but one in particular. Uh, and that is uh,

00:20:30.640 --> 00:21:00.060
Bill Sutton: that that this is a more expensive or witness, generally speaking, is is more expensive than Abd, or or even a a third party solution like Citrix. I don't think that's the perception. That may be the reality. And I think because a lot of customers don't really analyze it. It's the easy button to some degree, right? I mean, this is you. You go online. You you register, you register for windows three hundred and sixty-five. You put in your credit car or po depending on, You know the size of the organization. You provision your desktop. It's just stupid, simple right

00:21:00.080 --> 00:21:27.309
Bill Sutton: um to get that desktop up and running for the users. Uh avd is more complicated. Um, some, you know, a good bit more complicated to get running, and I don't think I think that this, particularly for the small organizations they're not going to take the time necessarily to see hey? If we went this direction, and with when this ten or one is eleven multi-session. We could probably save a lot than doing, you know, fifteen or twenty when this three sixty-five desktops uh that could we could co-locate them on a multi-session. O ask, what what do you think?

00:21:27.800 --> 00:21:45.539
Andy Whiteside: Do? How many times a week do you go out to eat, or you order from some kind of service. Um! More often than I would like, but a couple of times at least, exactly what I think we're talking about here is like. I know I could just go to the grocery store and feed my family for the week for a third the cost, but i'm willing to just to call uber eats every so often because it just

00:21:46.300 --> 00:21:47.420

00:21:47.500 --> 00:21:48.790
Andy Whiteside: Todd, What do you think?

00:21:49.980 --> 00:21:52.280
Todd Smith - Citrix: Yeah, I totally agree. I mean, it's a it's a

00:21:52.330 --> 00:22:03.139
Todd Smith - Citrix: you know the days of the one size fits all. Um are pretty much over or limited. Um, So you know that flexibility and being able to pick and choose what you want?

00:22:03.200 --> 00:22:09.069
Todd Smith - Citrix: Um, it's being more and more critical to our as we become more and more of a consumer based and consumer-driven

00:22:09.180 --> 00:22:11.059
Todd Smith - Citrix: uh user population.

00:22:12.420 --> 00:22:31.349
Andy Whiteside: So I I was at the ideal disrupt national the day I sit down beside a guy Ten thousand seats with um microsoft was presenting windows three hundred and sixty-five, I said, Hey, what you think of this? He says. I kind of like it, I said, with your organization never do it heck no it cost way too much. Um, Jeremy, what kind of customers are you seeing that are considering this? And are they even factoring, and how much is going to cost them.

00:22:31.630 --> 00:22:46.710
Geremy Meyers: I don't think we can underestimate just how important is to have just predictable cost right? And I think that is probably the most compelling thing about Cloud, Pc. Here. Um, you listen. I want to cruise this summer, and I paid for that drink package, You know why?

00:22:46.720 --> 00:23:05.569
Geremy Meyers: Because I didn't want to have to think about it. It was more expensive. I'm sure i'm one hundred percent. Sure, I didn't get my value out of it. But knowing that my cap was eleven billion dollars for drinks on that cruise. I mean, that helped out a lot, right? So I didn't care. So I bought extra coffee. I had drinks when I didn't need them, just because and so it helped me.

00:23:05.580 --> 00:23:13.499
Geremy Meyers: You know, one hundred percent. I think organizations are in the same boat, and I think you know the flip side. Um! A lot of organizations are having to account

00:23:13.520 --> 00:23:30.770
Geremy Meyers: for this use case internally. So in a lot of our um, you know, cost estimations with customers, you know, back in the day when we did this on prem they were like all right. I've got a stack of hardware servers, networking, storage licensing all this stuff. Here's what I need to get down to. I need to get down to a price uh per user

00:23:30.780 --> 00:23:43.880
Geremy Meyers: per year or per month, because I need to charge this back to the business,

00:23:43.890 --> 00:23:54.529
Geremy Meyers: and it's easy for me to charge that back to your department, The questions asked, and so I think there's some value in Number One, it being predictable, and number two just in some of the accounting workflows within an or

00:23:55.560 --> 00:23:56.470
Andy Whiteside: so

00:23:56.870 --> 00:24:04.540
Andy Whiteside: tod you. You've been around for a while. You saw those big banks in the northeast roll out vdi in a big way with a bunch of persistent desktops. Right.

00:24:04.730 --> 00:24:12.399
Andy Whiteside: Yup! It took them years to realize, Hey, this was good. It got the first hurdle, but now we got to figure out how to un twist this. They do see that coming. If people go this wrong,

00:24:12.970 --> 00:24:28.250
Todd Smith - Citrix: I I think, to a certain extent, but I think it's going to be done more on the the task user or the simple. You know I I I use one app. I use one app only, but I still need to wrap some security around it. I need to be able to

00:24:28.610 --> 00:24:33.680
Todd Smith - Citrix: better manage uh the environment, And I think that's something that

00:24:33.740 --> 00:24:50.989
Todd Smith - Citrix: people are gonna look at. Uh, I I don't think it's going to be, you know. I think it's a comment to earlier about. You know, this is not a eighty percent coverage model. It's more of hitting these twenty, these ten percent use cases that are very specific uh that are going to help us bridge some of these gaps that are out there.

00:24:51.640 --> 00:24:52.500
Andy Whiteside: Yeah,

00:24:52.530 --> 00:25:21.529
Andy Whiteside: hey, Adam, I want to come back to you. I have a specific question. Then i'll go through the bullets that are here in the article itself. Um! This up leveling of windows three hundred and sixty-five native. Are you guys also up leveling avd native? Or Is it the the story that you have for a while. Where it's, you know. Use our solution in addition to avd non-native, you know, using the multi session uh windows, desktop, and azure, and you guys also doing the plus type scenario for Abd, or is it just the windows? Three hundred and sixty-five Flavor.

00:25:21.540 --> 00:25:33.170
Adam Lotz: Oh, yeah, Andy, I think you tried to ask me that before, and I just ignored the question. Um, So so no they are. They are two separate two separate motions, right? So there's no avd plus, it's going to be, you know, windows three hundred and sixty-five plus that's where we see a change there.

00:25:33.180 --> 00:25:48.240
Adam Lotz: Um! But there is a I I should call out, There's a a clear strategy difference there, right? So we talk about as your virtual desktop again, like That's the platform built for flexibility, and That's where, like All right, you're going to want a full citrix to as deployment. You're going to want all this manageability. You have these different scenarios that you're going to put in there.

00:25:48.310 --> 00:26:06.809
Adam Lotz: Uh, when I look at Hdx plus for windows three hundred and sixty-five uh we're We're keeping that tenant around. Simplicity right it is going to be easy to roll out. It's easy to deploy these technologies together, and we took a really, I mean, I would say, a dramatically different approach in the engineering side, even with Microsoft. That's how we work on this

00:26:06.820 --> 00:26:20.909
Adam Lotz: um. So while you know, on the avd front, we're like all right. You've got this technology. We're going to lay in our better technology and kind of, you know, Replace the bits we don't need. And of course we do that with microsoft blessing um with three hundred and sixty-five like All right, let's work on this together. Let's integrate these consoles.

00:26:20.920 --> 00:26:46.759
Adam Lotz: Let's keep these fundamentals that Microsoft is delivering right around ease of management and simple to roll out and user assignments. And then let's add in the citrix value next to that, without having to clobber that that Microsoft deployment right? And I think that's really important, because we get to keep that win for simplicity while adding things like enhance security. And the whole Hdx stack um, and improving interoperability with other third party technologies. Right stuff that Microsoft Isn't necessarily going to tackle.

00:26:46.770 --> 00:26:51.129
Adam Lotz: We can really enable for These enterprise use cases especially for existing citrus customers

00:26:51.160 --> 00:27:00.370
Andy Whiteside: at at the point where somebody's gonna pay the premium to have a windows three hundred and sixty-five citrix shows up. If you're going to spend that much money, you might as well add this to it and make it the best it could possibly be right.

00:27:00.380 --> 00:27:11.199
Adam Lotz: Yeah. And I think I mean, I think more importantly, I think the biggest use case for us will be inside existing. Citrix accounts right. So you've got citrix today. Maybe you're on prem. Maybe you're a hybrid. Maybe you're fully cloud

00:27:11.210 --> 00:27:23.580
Adam Lotz: and now, you're kind of scratching your head, saying, Oh, you know that windows three hundred and sixty-five That looks like It's gonna be pretty good, right? I could use that, you know that flat rate billing every month, so I can, you know. Go to my other. Uh, you know my other business, you and say, Hey, this is what your desktops are gonna cost

00:27:23.590 --> 00:27:43.090
Adam Lotz: um, but they'll be able to roll that in with their citrix deployment, and, you know, use the the Citrix Cloud console to manage that, to apply policies to integrate their idps. Um, and really take it to the next level. And I think at that point, what I think is is really interesting is now we said, okay for a citrix customer. This is just another way to host a desktop,

00:27:43.100 --> 00:28:00.409
Adam Lotz: right? So you pick. Okay, i'm a Microsoft customer. I'm a citrix customer. I'm using azure and it's going to be easier to say. Oh, you know what I do need some persistent desktops. Why, Don't, I make those cloud pcs and deliver them with citrix and windows three hundred and sixty-five. So so Adam real quick from a licensing perspective.

00:28:00.420 --> 00:28:07.439
Geremy Meyers: Um hdx for windows three hundred and sixty-five that is a that could be a standalone solution, right? Or

00:28:07.450 --> 00:28:27.460
Adam Lotz: if I am a dazz premium premium plus customer, Do I have that entitlement already like? How do I get access to it. So, Jeremy, it's that's not fully baked yet. We're We're working on it right. I'm expecting that to be available both ways. But we're looking probably very end of the year early next year before it's actually in the product and ready to go. Yeah. So stay tuned on that right? Got it? Got it. Okay,

00:28:28.540 --> 00:28:47.909
Andy Whiteside: So, Adam Um, you've kind of done. But can you just cover these four bullets that you have in the blog? And specifically what part of Hdx plus makes these bullets reality sure. Do Do I need to read the bullets? The audience We're just going to assume they're playing along on their screen. I'll just analyze the best possible high definition experience. Because why?

00:28:48.000 --> 00:29:07.709
Adam Lotz: Yeah. Okay. So listen. Everyone knows Citrix for Hdx: right? And I, I have to say, you know the more customers I talked to about Hdx, and what that means. Um, i'm. I'm actually surprised at the feedback. Everyone's like. Oh, yeah, your protocol is the best right. You guys have everything built in there. It's like I get that. And and frankly, customers like they, they embrace that right, especially those that have

00:29:07.720 --> 00:29:21.650
Adam Lotz: global deployments. They've got, you know, workers, unusual locations. Um, you know all the work we've done in the Ikea protocol and the hdx optimizations, over you know. Frankly twenty-five years. Um, it's still valid. It's still paying off. People are still seeing a real win there.

00:29:21.660 --> 00:29:37.109
Adam Lotz: Um, and that's not just you know. So it's not just specialized use cases, although that's certainly a thing right. So windows three hundred and sixty-five doesn't have the three D Graphic support yet, but it will, and then we'll support that as well uh. But things like the telephony support the teams optimizations, the the zoom plugin. So everything else that you

00:29:37.120 --> 00:29:55.560
Adam Lotz: uh kind of makes those desktops work for the real world scenarios out there. I think that's really important. Uh, you know, we can talk about multimedia and throughput and bandwidth consumption. It all. It all rolls in together. Um, and it's funny, you know they have that conversation with engineering about sort of what makes hdx hdx like you know what is the the secret sauce?

00:29:55.570 --> 00:30:09.230
Adam Lotz: I mean It's it's dozens of individual things that all pull up together right and in your session day to day. You may not realize you've got dozens of technology supporting you, but but all the time right, it all comes together, and it gives you that great experience.

00:30:09.570 --> 00:30:23.320
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I I that the many things I call those scars on my knuckle. Citrix has lots of years of getting learning how to do stuff uh that they've now brought into the windows three hundred and sixty-five world, starting with the Ica protocol, which is

00:30:24.030 --> 00:30:39.620
Geremy Meyers: the still the best on the market with all the enhancements it's been made, and the rebranding of Hdx with it

00:30:40.210 --> 00:30:54.689
Adam Lotz: in order to really support This is really yeah. And what's really cool here, Jeremy, is that I mean, you know, to today, right? If you're rolling out a citrus environment, you've got all these desktops you manage. You're deploying the vda package out to them. You're having to, you know, register those of the broker. All these steps in an Admin. Goes through

00:30:54.700 --> 00:31:00.560
Adam Lotz: because we were striving for simplicity in the most literal sentence like once you

00:31:00.720 --> 00:31:13.390
Adam Lotz: click go on one of your three hundred and sixty-five instances. And you say yeah me to check box. I want to make this a citrix instance. Um! We automatically deploy the Vda into that image. It can, you know it could take half an hour forty, five minutes before it's ready to go

00:31:13.400 --> 00:31:23.150
Adam Lotz: um, and then literally the next time the user logs in wherever they're logging into, they're going to connect with Ic. And they're going to use the the citrix. You know. Hdx technology to get there.

00:31:23.210 --> 00:31:31.530
Adam Lotz: Um! And that's that's a big win for admin simplicity. I got through my avd access workspace, or do I go through Citrix workspace, or either?

00:31:31.560 --> 00:31:42.400
Adam Lotz: No, no! So so andy you can actually you can roll these uh these new three hundred and sixty-five desktops right into your existing citrix deployment. Right? So if using workspace or storefront, they'll just show up there as another icon these are clicks on.

00:31:42.410 --> 00:32:01.189
Adam Lotz: Or if you're using the built in uh windows three hundred and sixty-five launch or sorry you're using um you know their portal to get there. You're gonna see a new citrix optimize uh launch right there. And, in fact, even if you go to uh the Microsoft client page, and that user has been selected for a citrix that they'll see the citrix clients

00:32:01.200 --> 00:32:15.520
Adam Lotz: being hosted, and that's a big change right? That level integration with Microsoft was tough to get to. But it takes this from being kind of like a technology optimization to a real solution where end users, don't have to think. Oh, you know, am I doing the right thing? Am I connecting the right way?

00:32:15.530 --> 00:32:29.020
Adam Lotz: Um. In fact, the Admin. Can actually lock down that desktop, and we assume that's the default state, so that desktop won't accept uh Rdp connections will only accept Iica connections, and that's how Evans will force all the security and compliance controls.

00:32:29.100 --> 00:32:33.890
Andy Whiteside: How about coming through the uh avd client on a Linux Os like Ijo.

00:32:34.040 --> 00:32:46.659
Adam Lotz: Uh Yep, Yep, we should have full support there as well. Um. So they're just gonna look at that as being a new icon workload right? So it would be blocked if they tried to make a a Rdp connection. Uh, but anytime they went through the Citrix route they would see that.

00:32:47.210 --> 00:32:48.060

00:32:49.300 --> 00:32:59.429
Andy Whiteside: uh, all right, Moving on um, three, three more bullets. We're going to run out of time, which we always do, which is great because we just have great conversations. Next, when Adam talks about seamless integration with third party identity providers.

00:32:59.450 --> 00:33:17.639
Adam Lotz: Yeah. So I mean, I can. I can make this easy right. We call the product Hdx right, and Hdx is is clearly one of the flagship bits there, but especially in the enterprise deployments that that plus tends to actually be more important. And uh and sorry we couldn't come up with a good acronym for that. But but really the plus is is all about security,

00:33:17.650 --> 00:33:31.780
Adam Lotz: identity, trust, and then flexibility for different types of devices and and applications. Right? So. Um, certainly. If you're a Citrix customer. We see, you know, great adoption of these third party Ips People have got access control policies set up around them. They've got

00:33:31.790 --> 00:33:48.530
Adam Lotz: um, you know, data protection policies they're trying to to enforce. And so again you'll be able to roll that right into this three hundred and sixty-five environment which you wouldn't be able to do with a a fully Microsoft native solution. And you know, Don't don't think i'm bashing Microsoft Microsoft does an amazing job of integrating across their own stack.

00:33:48.540 --> 00:34:00.830
Adam Lotz: Right? So if you're if you're wall to wall Microsoft, everything you do is is with them like it's it's fantastic. But if you try to take a step out of that right, if it's a little bit harder, and you don't always get quite the same amount of integration,

00:34:00.840 --> 00:34:14.150
Adam Lotz: and this is where I feel like Hdx plus kind of goes back to Citrix, you know. Maybe fifteen years ago, right where it's like, hey? We can take all these little clever optimizations, and these, you know, tie into the third parties and bring them together to give you a real solution.

00:34:14.929 --> 00:34:23.009
Andy Whiteside: It's it's more the same story of Microsoft really being a platforms company, and smart partners integrate on top of their platform and and grow with them.

00:34:23.980 --> 00:34:43.289
Adam Lotz: Does that require me to use the uh citrus, workspace or storefront to get to this integration piece, or can I still do it through the Microsoft Portal. Yeah, that's a good. That's a good question. So you still want to have. You're going to want to have a a workspace experience to to make that connection. But users would be able to go straight from the Microsoft portal as well.

00:34:43.300 --> 00:34:48.550
Andy Whiteside: All right. Next bullet talks about the broad array of device supports.

00:34:48.560 --> 00:35:08.969
Adam Lotz: Is that just the benefit of having hdx stuff under the hover. It is right. So we talk about about. You know the the broad support for both devices, peripherals, applications, endpoints right uh and again you'll see us putting a real effort there, especially on the thin client side. And I think that's somewhere that that we made really big strides over the last couple of years.

00:35:08.980 --> 00:35:24.820
Adam Lotz: Uh. So you see that most of the thin client vendors are really standardizing on our our Linux clients. Um, So they're not having a sort of differenti in themselves as much, and try to decode our protocols and have specific optimizations there, but they can really focus on the management of their endpoints, which is where they're adding the most value.

00:35:24.830 --> 00:35:42.159
Adam Lotz: Um. So, as we Rev. You know our Linux client, they get all the benefits of that, you know soon after, and then it provides that consistent experience across these different devices. So does this mean, or maybe with an asterisk, that everything that's a citrix ready certified. All of a sudden it becomes windows. Three library.

00:35:42.170 --> 00:35:58.540
Adam Lotz: Yeah, Yeah, when you're using this integration, I mean, it becomes a seamless transition. A. And again, if you're an existing customer, that's a win right? Because now you just look at this as a new way to host host, your workflows and nothing else matters right. All of your existing end user policies and end user um connections are are gonna apply,

00:35:58.550 --> 00:36:15.179
Adam Lotz: But that's a big win for the Microsoft sales person to everything that was questionable now became supportable. Yeah, and I mean it's It's funny right again. We talked about this being, you know, one of the most expensive workloads to run, but but there's a win in having persistent desktop, and people like the notions behind Vdi, and how you manage it.

00:36:15.190 --> 00:36:34.249
Adam Lotz: So I actually think we're even going to see on-prem Citrix customers use three hundred and sixty-five as sort of their their first dipping their toes into the cloud. Um, because I think it will be very predictable and easy to manage workload for them, so I I do expect to see that now they're going to need a Citrix jazz account to make that happen right? So they have to take that first step to a hybrid cloud hosting.

00:36:34.260 --> 00:36:50.429
Adam Lotz: But once they do, this will just be a you know a new resource type in a new resource location, and you'll have your on-prem apps and desktops, and your three hundred and sixty-five hosted desktops. Yeah, you're you're talking to the one person, I believe, as integr that has a persistent desktop in addition to a on persistent. That's me

00:36:50.560 --> 00:37:04.729
Andy Whiteside: all right. Last bull in here uh extra additional layers of security through uh data through granular policies, controls corporate data uh filtration. I'm: assuming, maybe even uh an uh analytics that? What's going on there?

00:37:04.740 --> 00:37:20.610
Adam Lotz: Yeah. Yeah. So because we're using the typical citrix Vda: that's actually what's being installed the single session vda goes right? Into these three sixty-five images. That means that anything that we can do in a citrix environment. I'll say anything almost anything we can do in a regular citrix environment will apply to three hundred and sixty-five.

00:37:20.620 --> 00:37:37.329
Adam Lotz: So we talk about things like, you know, policy control and and device, redirection and clipboard restrictions and adaptive access policies, or or even session recording right? That's all going to take place in these environments. Um! And it means again that especially in highly regulated industries

00:37:37.340 --> 00:37:54.070
Adam Lotz: uh places. We got real compliance concerns, you know, stuff that may not have have worked under a strict three hundred and sixty-five environment will suddenly work with Citrix. Whether that's you know. Uh, with your protecting Ip where you got, you know users in different locations where you need to watermark. The screen. Um, Lots of technology that comes together.

00:37:54.080 --> 00:37:59.179
Adam Lotz: Uh, to really give you that more secure solution and add additional layers of security on top of it.

00:37:59.450 --> 00:38:20.399
Adam Lotz: I mean, this is cool. This is like taking the old days of having a bunch of Rds servers that needed high fidelity, experience to them, and reliving that but for the one user at a time. All

00:38:20.410 --> 00:38:24.239
Adam Lotz: um. I think it's got some real potential and accounts of all sizes.

00:38:24.380 --> 00:38:25.209

00:38:25.530 --> 00:38:30.059
Andy Whiteside: all right. So I've had the guys at Bay Jeremy, we'll start with you and go to Todd and Bill.

00:38:30.210 --> 00:38:33.500
Andy Whiteside: You've heard a lot. You gotta have at least a question right

00:38:34.150 --> 00:38:45.520
Geremy Meyers: uh you know what, Andy, you asked the questions. You know the first one was going to be around um security analytics, right? So just the Analytics platform. I'm not sure how much. Maybe performance just from a network perspective. But

00:38:45.570 --> 00:39:02.739
Geremy Meyers: um, you know. Certainly, you know. How does analytics play into this? And it sounds like That's certainly supported um, you know, from a seamless integration with third-party identity solutions. I'm. Assuming anything we support with workspace you know we'll work with um. You know the the windows three hundred and sixty-five cloud. Pc. So, for instance.

00:39:02.750 --> 00:39:19.219
Geremy Meyers: Um, you know we could use some of our newer adaptive off and we could use, you know, oct the same, or whatever you bring to the table could be supported. So you know, just to your point, Adam. Right, you know. Enterprises have standardized on certain platforms, you know. It's easy to take what they've standardized on, and just make it work with cloud. Pc.

00:39:19.230 --> 00:39:23.620
Geremy Meyers: You know. Just to simplify it right? So lot of good stuff here for sure

00:39:24.680 --> 00:39:38.120
Todd Smith - Citrix: Todd questions thoughts for Adams,

00:39:38.420 --> 00:39:52.539
Todd Smith - Citrix: those small to mid-size customers that are out there um because regardless of the size they still have the same compliance challenges. They still have the same security challenges. They still have. That same question that's being asked is, you know,

00:39:52.770 --> 00:40:11.829
Todd Smith - Citrix: how secure are we, and how how productive are are the employees? Um! And that those are those are questions that are being asked across our customer Base right, and you don't have to be a big multi national Bank to have challenges with security or productivity or performance.

00:40:11.840 --> 00:40:30.980
Todd Smith - Citrix: Um, in this count, help solve that. The other big thing here is, you know this solves a lot of the problems around. You know those peripherals uh peripherals and device options that are out there. Um, you know we've always prided ourselves on the fact that we can help customers manage those connected peripheral devices.

00:40:30.990 --> 00:40:33.679
Todd Smith - Citrix: Um be able to manage those effectively.

00:40:34.270 --> 00:40:38.459
Todd Smith - Citrix: It's a great uh great solution here with uh congrats, congrats, Adam,

00:40:40.480 --> 00:40:51.209
Andy Whiteside: I mean when I taught the customers all time they asked me to do. I use this product to this like. Look, you want to fighting chance of most applications and most first rivals working. Not that they all will, but most will. You gotta go, Citrus:

00:40:53.270 --> 00:41:06.519
Bill Sutton: Good. Yeah, I think I I agree with everything that's been said. And and I think this really just is more of the embrace and extend concept that Citrix is followed along with Microsoft from really from the be nearly in the beginning. Right?

00:41:06.530 --> 00:41:35.270
Bill Sutton: Um is the ability to take the technology that they've developed and the security components and the support for peripherals and all the other goodness we've talked about and embrace. Take that. Take the existing Microsoft platform and extend it and make it uh make it real. And and um, you know more enterprise ready for even the mid market in the small business. And I think that again i'd i'd say kudos to Adam and team for for uh moving forward on this, and and really enabling um customers to get this kind of uh kind of

00:41:35.310 --> 00:41:38.259
Bill Sutton: access, with windows three hundred and sixty-five.

00:41:38.620 --> 00:41:55.669
Geremy Meyers: So, Andy, you know I've been through the documentation on this so if you haven't seen it. Um! You know what's out on citric stocks, and you know what I'm. A little surprised by the simplicity. You know there is essentially some handshaking that goes on. So you go into your your azure tenant, and I think it's in point management.

00:41:55.680 --> 00:41:59.819
Geremy Meyers: Um, you have to. You connect to. But basically you just kind of authenticate the

00:41:59.880 --> 00:42:10.160
Geremy Meyers: to sit for, and on the flip side, you know, when you're setting up your your catalog, or you're setting up your your the citric space you're doing a handshake out the azure, and then you can actually assign licenses

00:42:10.250 --> 00:42:21.650
Geremy Meyers: from the Citrix portal. And you know, if you've got to use that already, has a Cloud, Pc. Instance, it will automatically install the Vda, and if they don't have cloud Pc. Turned up yet, you know, when one gets issued to them it looks like,

00:42:21.660 --> 00:42:35.019
Geremy Meyers: you know, the first time they try to, you know it spins up, and the first time they try to launch it, you know all the the Vda on the back end, like Adam, said Will, automatically. Install and just kind of work. So i'm pretty impressed. You know just how simple the process looks like

00:42:35.960 --> 00:42:44.379
Andy Whiteside: so, and I got a couple of things for you quick one. Do you expect Microsoft to turn this into a non persistent workload or multi session workload or both at some point.

00:42:44.890 --> 00:42:55.190
Adam Lotz: Yeah, Andy, that's a that's a really good question. Um, I don't know. I think there's there's the possibility there, right? I think that there might be future things and future directions they could take this to.

00:42:55.200 --> 00:43:07.869
Adam Lotz: I guess the question is, Does it matter for their targeted user base right? I mean, you know, as as I think, we discussed here, like, there's interest in three hundred and sixty-five across the board, from you know, five user shops to forty thousand user, shops. It's just, you know. Where is it fit?

00:43:07.890 --> 00:43:25.389
Adam Lotz: And I think, depending on adoption they could. They could continue to evolve their technology. But we'll be right there, you know, next them as they do it. So I think there'll be a win for Citrix either way. How easy it would be for them to make it so. We had a nightly snapshot back to wherever and they charge an extra three bucks a user for that. That wouldn't be hard to do.

00:43:25.800 --> 00:43:34.820
Adam Lotz: Yeah. So you mean you think you'd actually turn it into a non persistent image? You could. You could actually pull that off today with some clever scripting. So I think there's a there's some possibilities for you.

00:43:35.230 --> 00:43:52.519
Andy Whiteside: The How about How about this one for me? So if i'm using. If I have a user that's covered under M three, sixty, five, E, three or higher, and they're using a windows endpoint to connect through Microsoft, Slash citrix to their avd, or in this case windows three hundred and sixty-five desktop,

00:43:52.530 --> 00:44:01.940
Andy Whiteside: my m three sixty-five license just covered both the virtual desktop not the consumption, but the virtual desktop and the endpoint, and the Vda the virtual desktop access license.

00:44:02.020 --> 00:44:04.500
Adam Lotz: Yeah, yeah, I think that's right. I think that's all covered

00:44:05.250 --> 00:44:23.129
Adam Lotz: It's Now, if I use anything other, if I use something else other than windows on the endpoint, does that break that model?

00:44:23.140 --> 00:44:37.949
Andy Whiteside: And And they're working on simplifying some of that using windows or windows. Sc: and I'm connecting the windows, and it's all the Microsoft world plus consumption. The answers are hard and fast. Yes, yeah, Yeah, I mean, with all, when it's all windows it does make your life a lot easier.

00:44:37.960 --> 00:44:56.790
Adam Lotz: But there's a management penalty. You pay for that right? And there's a maintenance penalty. So I think some of the other endpoints bring a lot to the to the game. And uh and again, it's it's a tough conversation have right? Because just like with three hundred and sixty-five, you're trading off sort of admin expertise and and management cost versus sort of just saying i'll let something else deal with that.

00:44:56.800 --> 00:45:05.929
Adam Lotz: Um. But you know, if you're clever, you can really uh spin a very cost-effective environment

00:45:06.090 --> 00:45:21.900
Andy Whiteside: I'll go look for one.

00:45:21.980 --> 00:45:23.310
Andy Whiteside: So you guys, thank you.