XenTegra - The Citrix Session

The Citrix Session: Extend ServiceNow capabilities with the Citrix ITSM Adapter service

September 26, 2023 XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton Season 1 Episode 144

The Citrix ITSM Adapter service is a cloud-enabled service that, when installed in a ServiceNow instance, provides an easy way to seamlessly integrate ServiceNow capabilities with your Citrix environments. With the Citrix ITSM Adapter for ServiceNow, you can:

  • Experience intelligent automation of employee self-services
  • Simplify the provisioning and de-provisioning of your Citrix resources
  • Access a centralized dashboard where you can monitor alerts and notifications and decide which incidents to follow up on

With this integration, you’ll be able to save valuable time spent by your IT team on manual and one-off processes by automating mundane work, as well as help empower end users to stay productive. By improving the IT management of Citrix services while enhancing the user experience, everyone gets more time to focus on the strategic priorities that matter most.

Over the past few months, the Citrix ITSM team has delivered many new features and enhancements through the 21.12.1 and 22.3.0 releases. For a complete list of what we’ve introduced in the past several releases, please visit our product documentation.

In this blog post, we will highlight some of the key enhancements we’ve introduced with the Citrix ITSM Adapter for ServiceNow service. Let’s take a look at some of these releases in more detail.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Bill Sutton
Co-host: Geremy Meyers
Co-host: Todd Smith
Guest: Amir Trujillo
Guest: Charlie Lopez


00:00:02.290 --> 00:00:13.050
Andy Whiteside: Hello, Ron! Welcome to episode 1 44 of the Citrix session. Every host Andy Whiteside got a got a big group with me today. Everybody's happy. It's fall. It's officially fall. At least you're in us.

00:00:13.340 --> 00:00:36.470
Andy Whiteside: and we've got a good blog for you guys today talking about service now. And citrix it sm adapter integration stuff. We've been covering that a little bit lately. It's a big part of this integral motion. I told the guys today is September 20, fifth, 2023. Told the guys, I was gonna do this. And I'm gonna start doing this, our, podcast I just wanna throw out there. There's the Mini commercial time, and then we'll get into the content.

00:00:36.470 --> 00:00:47.410
Andy Whiteside: If you are a Citrix customer. If you are a service now, customer and you're not getting value, added advisement from your existing partner, or from the vendor, or a combination of the both. That's

00:00:47.410 --> 00:01:06.929
Andy Whiteside: that's what we're doing here that you combo the both. Now you really got something let us know. Reach out to me on Linkedin, you know, Andy White side on Linkedin. We wanna help you guys, there's so much more customers to be doing to get value out of their investments in products like Citrix and service. Now, so that's it. That's the commercial. Just want to help people, and we'll make a good business and help people at the same time.

00:01:07.090 --> 00:01:21.949
Andy Whiteside: Alright. So no, Bill Sutton, today. Bill's somewhere on a beach. I hope I don't actually know but he's somewhere on a beach. Hope hope that's what he's doing. I've got my normal crew from the Cloud Software Group, Jeremy Myers Todd Smith, to start with, who are almost always with us. Todd. Jeremy, how's it going?

00:01:22.660 --> 00:01:29.130
Geremy Meyers: Excellent! Excellent! I hope. I hope. I hope he's on the beach, that is dry.

00:01:29.230 --> 00:01:38.580
Geremy Meyers: So we said the storm blow through, so I don't know where he went, but that's part of the storm they come through, and then it's nice for, like 4 or 5 days afterwards, that's true.

00:01:38.800 --> 00:01:42.740
Geremy Meyers: Todd. Did you find a bed long enough for you in your cabin.

00:01:42.870 --> 00:01:49.209
Todd Smith: II did, and actually spent the spent Saturday night up there. Found a couple of fresh bear tracks.

00:01:49.230 --> 00:01:51.549
Andy Whiteside: Now, when you go up there, you go up there by yourself.

00:01:51.940 --> 00:01:55.590
Todd Smith: Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have Internet access up there?

00:01:56.190 --> 00:01:59.090
Todd Smith: It's very, very spotty.

00:01:59.110 --> 00:02:06.409
Todd Smith: But main, the State of Maine got a got a huge amount of funding to solve the rural Internet problem.

00:02:06.910 --> 00:02:11.509
Todd Smith: So they're they're putting fiber all over the place. So

00:02:11.650 --> 00:02:18.400
Andy Whiteside: I think I saw something about that. It's like extremely expensive to do it. But tax dollars are paying for it. So it's cheap for them.

00:02:18.620 --> 00:02:26.749
Todd Smith: Yeah. there was one town there spending a little over a million dollars to wire up less than a hundred houses.

00:02:27.430 --> 00:02:41.310
Geremy Meyers: Man. Wow! Well, you could help outside. If I if I saw Facebook correctly, you've got a brand new piece of hardware. You could trench all that yourself.

00:02:41.510 --> 00:02:54.519
Todd Smith: III guess it's the, you know, when you when you go out and buy a boat, they said the 2 best times, and buying a boat is, or when owning a boat is the day you buy it that you sell it. II think the same can be said with the farm directors.

00:02:55.760 --> 00:03:02.659
Andy Whiteside: I grew up on a very small one and a half acres. But we had 2 tractors and many boats. And yeah, it was a quick, constantly worked on stuff.

00:03:02.770 --> 00:03:04.020
Geremy Meyers: Yeah.

00:03:04.870 --> 00:03:10.049
Andy Whiteside: Todd, do you have Internet access access in your actual cabin that you sleep in?

00:03:10.250 --> 00:03:18.100
Todd Smith: No. But II just so so surprising enough. II just got power put in

00:03:18.440 --> 00:03:19.440
Todd Smith: So I'm running a

00:03:19.610 --> 00:03:25.429
Todd Smith: basically a giant extension cord over to the to the other building. And then I've got a

00:03:25.600 --> 00:03:31.930
Todd Smith: I put in my chemical boil. So it's kind of off grid, but it's not exactly off.

00:03:31.970 --> 00:03:34.450
Andy Whiteside: Sounds pretty awkward, so

00:03:34.620 --> 00:03:37.740
Todd Smith: those goods are not having good access of that.

00:03:37.900 --> 00:03:44.009
Andy Whiteside: So, okay, this is what I'm trying to get to tell me what what latency looks like when you do have connectivity from

00:03:44.120 --> 00:03:50.769
Todd Smith: this cabin or this area, this land so I've tried it out a couple of different times. So

00:03:51.080 --> 00:03:56.009
Todd Smith: probably my most successful connection is done via my hotspot on my phone

00:03:56.540 --> 00:04:00.589
Todd Smith: and I've got an At and T.

00:04:00.910 --> 00:04:04.520
Todd Smith: Hotspot and

00:04:04.910 --> 00:04:10.750
Todd Smith: the predominant or the presumptive carrier up there is Verizon. So

00:04:10.900 --> 00:04:22.130
Todd Smith: even with evil with an at T connection connecting over a lot of Verizon infrastructure. It's still pretty good. not, as you know, slightly above dial up.

00:04:23.060 --> 00:04:27.989
Amir Trujillo: Remember that, though, those those days. But it's not bad, definitely.

00:04:28.040 --> 00:04:32.090
Todd Smith: Yeah, depending on depending on what I want to do. I can actually get pretty good results.

00:04:32.770 --> 00:04:38.300
Andy Whiteside: Well, let's talk what you so give me an idea. What's latency look like? I mean, how many millisecond round trip?

00:04:38.940 --> 00:04:41.150
Todd Smith: 2, 20,

00:04:41.520 --> 00:04:45.179
Andy Whiteside: 2, 20. Okay. And then so you've tried some citrix sessions over that?

00:04:45.480 --> 00:04:57.989
Todd Smith: I did. II actually logged into a logged into a virtual desktop last December up there from a hot spot. So 220, with a minimal packet. Loss

00:04:58.020 --> 00:05:10.819
Andy Whiteside: from the woods, is plenty good enough to do a normal Citrix session. You're not going to watch videos over that I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be reading an MRI. Yeah, I'm not going to be doing High End graphics videos.

00:05:11.440 --> 00:05:17.519
Todd Smith: haven't done a lot with zoom conferencing yet. But I'm expecting, you know.

00:05:18.390 --> 00:05:33.440
Todd Smith: video quality to to go down. The audio quality seems to be fine. Yeah, we prioritize it. Prioritize it. Yeah. So here's what I'm getting on this whole service. Now, integration in a minute. So I've got the Itsm adapter. Let's say somebody has a citrix session above 200 and

00:05:33.670 --> 00:05:37.860
Andy Whiteside: 25 ms. I automatically open a ticket. So when you call

00:05:38.040 --> 00:05:59.370
Andy Whiteside: like the tickets already open waiting on you, because I know you're gonna call. Maybe 2 25 is a bad example. These days it would would have been a good example back in the day but maybe it's packet loss, and maybe you got 2, 2 25. But you've got like 10% packet loss. I go in with the Itsm adapter and service now, and open a ticket, and you start to chat and go. We already know. Here's what you need to do. How awesome would that be?

00:06:00.080 --> 00:06:08.079
Todd Smith: And and I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna go one step further on this one. If I were to also leverage something like our performance analytics

00:06:08.720 --> 00:06:20.709
Todd Smith: to start detecting what that user experience is and proactively open up a ticket based on for performance, like network latency or something like that where it's outside of the norm.

00:06:21.150 --> 00:06:33.049
Todd Smith: Have it automatically open up a ticket with at T or Comcast, or the cable provider, or notify the notify the user. Hey? You know what you're in a degraded state.

00:06:33.300 --> 00:06:35.570
Todd Smith: Here's what we have done ahead of time

00:06:35.700 --> 00:06:43.269
Todd Smith: before you start having to open up a support ticket right? So much be more, much more proactive about this, and actually.

00:06:43.390 --> 00:06:55.989
Todd Smith: treat the end users like they are legitimate customers with shadow. It is that no, hey? Even our own employees. Even our own users

00:06:56.240 --> 00:07:00.599
Todd Smith: have the ability to make a change or or do something different. Yeah.

00:07:00.940 --> 00:07:25.889
Andy Whiteside: yeah, 100%. Alright. So go back to my commercial minute ago. If you're working with a service now, partner, that doesn't know we just talked about. Come, talk to Zintegr. If you're working with a citrix partner that doesn't have the ability to service. Now for you. Come, talk to Zintig. Alright, that's my commercial again. Alright. So we have 2 special guests. Charlie Lopez who was some type of technical sales support solutions. Wh. Charlie, what's the actual title?

00:07:26.410 --> 00:07:36.990
Charlie Lopez: My my title today is partner technology strategies. So I support the partners from a technical enablement technical strategy. And of course, on the sales side.

00:07:37.110 --> 00:07:42.959
Andy Whiteside: and a big part of what you're doing these days is service now related. Because that's why we got you on this. Podcast you're one of the shamis over there.

00:07:43.480 --> 00:07:46.370
Charlie Lopez: II try and be as much as I can. I do.

00:07:46.810 --> 00:07:52.570
Andy Whiteside: Were you a service now, Guy, prior to joining Citrix, or you picked that up while at at Cloud Software Group?

00:07:53.270 --> 00:08:10.199
Charlie Lopez: Well, I mean, I've been at Citrix about 12 years now, so my my work with service now has always been kind of spotty, depending on what customer would bring in what request, and trying to find out what the integrations were like, I'd go in and dig into the technology and be able to relate back to the customer, and, and, you know.

00:08:10.670 --> 00:08:26.359
Charlie Lopez: essentially talk it through with them, so that those primarily most of my digging into service now is really getting familiar with the product to be able to relay the the integrations of Citrix with it to customers. Do you guys on your team? Do you have your own service. Now, Sandbox, you can play with all the stuff

00:08:26.760 --> 00:08:38.730
Charlie Lopez: we do. I've I've had multiple. I even had one that we're gonna share out with with you guys as a team? So we could kind of tinker with it and mess with. But we definitely have the ability to provision multiple ones for testing.

00:08:38.809 --> 00:08:41.339
Andy Whiteside: That's awesome. That's that sounds like fun stuff

00:08:41.750 --> 00:09:02.819
Charlie Lopez: it it is, especially when you get to the customization piece. It takes a little bit more knowledge, I think Amir would be. You know. I tried to go in to create a custom workflow that was very intricate, and IDI realized I needed a little bit more expertise, but it did open my eyes to how much customization could be done if you knew what you were doing in the back end. So it was really cool.

00:09:02.820 --> 00:09:16.170
Amir Trujillo: Yeah, it's awesome. Alright. Amir Amir Julio is with us. Amir. I get closer on the last name this time, for sure. I just try not to think about it. I just say what

00:09:16.170 --> 00:09:39.489
Andy Whiteside: should come out. That's fine. Got it? Alright. So Amir's our definite subject matter expert from the Cloud Software group, Citrix side and Amir, we're glad to have you here, and we're gonna we're gonna talk you a lot now, so plenty of time to weave in some of your some of your expertise as we do that. So I'm pulling up the blog. The blog is titled

00:09:41.080 --> 00:10:03.510
Andy Whiteside: the title of the Blog. I've got a screen in front here extend service now. Capabilities with the citrix. It sm adapter service Amir, before we jump into the blog. The Itsm adapter for Citrix is available. Where? How much does it cost? And why does it exist? Yeah, that's for free. And actually, that's on the service now, store website.

00:10:03.910 --> 00:10:12.750
Amir Trujillo: Pretty simple. You just on the search bar you just type Citrix, and automatically it will show up on on the on the website.

00:10:12.840 --> 00:10:18.980
Amir Trujillo: And it's just a single click. And you install it on your service. Now, instance. And

00:10:19.000 --> 00:10:22.000
Amir Trujillo: it's gonna be pretty straightforward. The configuration.

00:10:22.590 --> 00:10:32.670
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. So that's that little piece was very important. So you go to service. Now, store. You look for Citrix, you type in Citrix, and is it an app or an integration?

00:10:34.820 --> 00:10:45.970
Amir Trujillo: It just citrix, and you'll see the A. Citrix it service management connector. There you go. So what's the difference between an app and solutions filter versus an integrations filter

00:10:46.590 --> 00:10:59.099
Amir Trujillo: this integration. It's it comes with all with the connector software. So th that's to make it easier for the end user for the administrators to just with a single click.

00:10:59.430 --> 00:11:11.020
Andy Whiteside: have all the requirements to to be up and running quickly. But it's the plumbing. And then what you do with the plumbing is up to your imagination, or maybe help from Citrix and or partner.

00:11:11.390 --> 00:11:20.369
Amir Trujillo: Yeah, with a plugin. Basically, what you do is integrate all the citrix features to your seat, to your service. Now, instance.

00:11:20.420 --> 00:11:25.670
Amir Trujillo: So all the customization, all the workflows out of the box.

00:11:25.690 --> 00:11:30.159
Amir Trujillo: a virtual agent that we're gonna be discussing during this, a

00:11:30.290 --> 00:11:53.039
Andy Whiteside: episode comes with as part of the blogging that we're going to be installing. Okay? So before we go into the blog itself. Todd, Jeremy, Charlie any thoughts without stealing a thunder, the blog later, any thoughts about the the plugin, the integration, what Citrix is doing there, whether people are using it or not. Just your general ideas of the concept before we jump into the blog.

00:11:53.810 --> 00:12:06.789
Geremy Meyers: Yeah. So I just put this link in the chat, Andy. So it's first thing. First things first is, you know, who gets access to this right? So as part of the feature matrix. If you're a citrix das premium or premium plus customer.

00:12:06.900 --> 00:12:24.020
Geremy Meyers: you've already got access to the it. Some adapter. So what that means is, we've got a whole slew of customers. In fact. One of our largest installates install bases or citrix dash premium customers. They already have access, and might not even know that right? So just first thing, first things first is, be aware of that.

00:12:24.040 --> 00:12:26.049
Geremy Meyers: and then, secondly.

00:12:26.060 --> 00:12:37.130
Geremy Meyers: you know, I think because of that, we're working to help drive some of the adoption, because a lot of folks don't know this. So they are service now, customers. They are Citrix customers who already own this here's a great.

00:12:37.390 --> 00:12:51.750
Geremy Meyers: you know, did something's easy. Well, I would say it's easy to turn off, you know, it's easy to integrate but then the customize workflows. And really, you know, building this out. So it supports your environments. Most important thing. But, you know, take a look you might own this is the most important thing to remember here.

00:12:51.770 --> 00:12:59.849
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. So you own Citrix, and you own on the right. And I'm sorry I just screwed that up. The Ver. What? What addition? What addition of Citrix do I need?

00:13:00.000 --> 00:13:08.490
Andy Whiteside: Dash, premium or premium plus? Okay, alright. Got it right here, and if you own service now then shame on you if you're not at least investigating how to tie these 2 together.

00:13:09.890 --> 00:13:10.880
Amir Trujillo: Exactly.

00:13:12.100 --> 00:13:13.880
Andy Whiteside: Charlie. You think, Dad.

00:13:15.430 --> 00:13:22.499
Todd Smith: I think this is a really great question. Cause I think one of the other aspects of it is, even though you're running da's

00:13:22.900 --> 00:13:29.260
Todd Smith: or your licensing dads. If you could also have visibility into the on-prem components, too. Right?

00:13:31.680 --> 00:13:51.960
Amir Trujillo: Yep, so it is a cloud service. Yet it also works with on premise. Cbt deployments. So that's a really good point, Tom. Yeah. And that's that that's a direct connection. When you do a site aggregation on your cloud service, you're having that link or bridge between your on-premises, Citrix side

00:13:52.340 --> 00:13:55.059
Amir Trujillo: and the Itsm service.

00:13:55.260 --> 00:14:00.060
Amir Trujillo: So yeah, definitely, you can apply those service now rules

00:14:00.130 --> 00:14:04.689
Amir Trujillo: to any Citrix side fruition. The idea that

00:14:04.830 --> 00:14:14.859
Andy Whiteside: everybody should probably be be using move new moving to and using the citrus Cloud control plane, because, taking this and plug it in with that. In this case, citrix and service. Now

00:14:14.970 --> 00:14:19.470
Andy Whiteside: it really becomes enabled through that cloud based management plan

00:14:19.700 --> 00:14:40.140
Geremy Meyers: and that. And that's a really important concept, Andy. So you know, we've got a slide. That is not really the point of this podcast here. But you know, we've got a lot of customers who are transitioning to the universal license, which means, you know, they've got Cvad. They've got the on premise support. They also have dazz and all the data services that doesn't necessarily mean on day one. You're moving even your management plane to the cloud.

00:14:40.140 --> 00:14:56.629
Geremy Meyers: The idea is you can start to leverage some of the cloud services into your on premises, environment, and one of the easier ones to get started with is the Itsm adapter. One of the next ones might be whim. So there's services that you can integrate on. Prem, that doesn't mean you're necessarily leveraging. Das, yeah.

00:14:56.730 --> 00:14:58.080
Geremy Meyers: Yep, it's important.

00:14:58.790 --> 00:15:01.659
Andy Whiteside: Alright. So, jumping into the blog,

00:15:01.710 --> 00:15:17.220
Amir Trujillo: Amir, this first section here, that kind of sets up the blog. And while we're covering it, you wanna just kind of walk us through this and kind of highlight what they're covering. Yep. So basically, in this, a first couple of paragraphs, you can read that, basically

00:15:17.230 --> 00:15:26.179
Amir Trujillo: the story of itsm. And what teacher has done in the last year. and all the enhancements and new features that we have added

00:15:26.230 --> 00:15:32.999
Amir Trujillo: as part of this big initiative, that it's any customer, either if it's on Prem or cloud. Just

00:15:33.190 --> 00:15:34.610
Amir Trujillo: use what you have.

00:15:35.210 --> 00:15:57.910
Amir Trujillo: If you have an on Prem, you have cloud with service now for both use centralized everything for a single pane of glass. So a way, the use of intelligent automation as the first bullet here is same thing with a make it easier to provision and the provision a resources, same thing and

00:15:58.140 --> 00:15:59.370
Amir Trujillo: everything

00:15:59.730 --> 00:16:14.990
Amir Trujillo: from a management standpoint. Central lies on the same console. So that's part of the benefits the Citrix administrator and the end user will leave on a daily basis having this integration. Yeah, it's good good for both. Right? Yup.

00:16:15.090 --> 00:16:22.849
Andy Whiteside: yeah. And guys, I'll I'll just kind of say, the rest of you guys things that you would add as it relates to covering this concept in general.

00:16:23.300 --> 00:16:36.260
Charlie Lopez: Well, I'll just add, for example, you know it. It really focuses on the manual effort, and a lot of this manual effort has been around for so long, and if customers already leveraging service now for their typical help. Desk

00:16:36.260 --> 00:17:05.600
Charlie Lopez: it. It would be a marriage made in heaven just in integrate this because of the automation. You know, anyone that's been running or having to deal with the Citrix environment will will know that. By automating a lot of this, and even just looking at the details, it provides the the intelligent automation is really about taking those standard processes that were manual every day. And just, you know, scripting them out. And this is essentially taking Citrix Cloud service now, and providing that automation integration across it. So

00:17:05.911 --> 00:17:07.470
I think this is outstanding.

00:17:07.810 --> 00:17:09.699
Andy Whiteside: You know, Todd, you have anything else.

00:17:10.140 --> 00:17:16.199
Geremy Meyers: You know, I think Charlie hit on something that's really important. It's, you know, anything you can do to automate something.

00:17:16.650 --> 00:17:39.139
Geremy Meyers: is obviously important. But more important is, it's something that's repeatable, right? So if you've got lots of folks all solving an issue in different ways, it's really hard to figure out what someone did right? So the idea here is, if we could solve some of these problems the exact same way they're repeatable. They're automated. They're easier to document. So we can start to trend things within the environment. So one of the things I think we'll get to later in the blog post here is

00:17:39.460 --> 00:17:43.089
Amir Trujillo:  look, we're a movie diner.

00:17:43.180 --> 00:17:51.690
Geremy Meyers: Yeah, is the idea that you know you can start automating some of these repeatable tasks. And do it with the service. Now, you know, flow designer. So

00:17:51.900 --> 00:17:57.729
Geremy Meyers: if you can start to pop up, what are folks calling in for? You know what are the trends, you know. Let's design around that

00:17:58.130 --> 00:18:14.829
Andy Whiteside: the way I kind of look at it is service now is the single place where you aggregate everything and manage everything from, and then maybe someday. And and the end user can. It can also interact with and maybe someday with AI, it starts to become the brain of doing some of this or a lot of this for you.

00:18:16.170 --> 00:18:22.259
Charlie Lopez: or like Chat Gpt, all you need is the right prompt to get a whole bunch of things done.

00:18:22.430 --> 00:18:30.240
Amir Trujillo: Yeah, like we weren't discussing before is like, if you use Citrix analytics. And then some point just have that level of

00:18:30.360 --> 00:18:34.230
Amir Trujillo: knowledge to start detecting

00:18:34.500 --> 00:18:38.899
Amir Trujillo: issues from an end. User standpoint and create actions

00:18:39.600 --> 00:18:43.520
Amir Trujillo: to prevent issues. it would be, it's awesome.

00:18:43.650 --> 00:18:44.330

00:18:45.210 --> 00:18:54.080
Andy Whiteside: So here, this next section, the title of it is access multiple citrus cloud accounts from a single service. Now, instance, help us understand what that's talking about

00:18:54.110 --> 00:19:01.940
Amir Trujillo: that talks about. If you, as a customer, probably you can have multiple service now instances

00:19:02.350 --> 00:19:10.160
Amir Trujillo: right? Or if multiple Citrix cloud environments as well for testing purposes for production.

00:19:10.390 --> 00:19:11.940
Amir Trujillo: a UAT.

00:19:12.220 --> 00:19:20.140
Amir Trujillo: So you want to go out for mergers and acquisitions. Yeah, exactly so. Merchand acquisitions. You don't want to go a production.

00:19:20.540 --> 00:19:28.330
Amir Trujillo: the same time, this you are just facing on your development environment. So hey, you can register

00:19:28.370 --> 00:19:29.850
Amir Trujillo: multiple citrix

00:19:30.020 --> 00:19:35.519
Amir Trujillo: sites on the single a service. Now, instance, and you can switch

00:19:35.790 --> 00:19:47.339
Amir Trujillo: or just flip the switch to to see what a service now, policies you want to apply, and the same thing. When you'll do that integration, you have full visibility of your

00:19:47.440 --> 00:19:54.469
Amir Trujillo: all your environments, either if it's on-prem or cloud, and just a specify what resource you want to publish

00:19:54.530 --> 00:19:56.620
Amir Trujillo: through service now.

00:19:56.910 --> 00:19:59.539
Andy Whiteside: So maybe in an ideal world, you've got.

00:19:59.560 --> 00:20:10.590
Andy Whiteside: you got your production environment. You got a validation environment. Both of them are talking to service now and then. Maybe Charlie and Jeremy both have a you know, sandbox environments. All those could be talking to service now, and you could literally

00:20:10.690 --> 00:20:31.239
Amir Trujillo: test and documents your change control process, each step of the way. And you'd have this it, Nirvana that we've been talking about forever? Right? That's right. And let's say Jeremy has a set of a applications or text upon a delivery group, same thing with Todd. But we just want to granularly

00:20:31.430 --> 00:20:46.189
Amir Trujillo: provide access to one desktop from each environment. We can do that from search now, so we don't have to publish everything in a single. A shot is just like one by one. Just to make sure that we are testing the appropriate policy.

00:20:46.710 --> 00:20:55.229
Andy Whiteside: Have we covered this section. Is it that we have? We said, what we need to say about the multi one instance managing multiple citrix environments?

00:20:57.010 --> 00:21:05.250
Charlie Lopez: Well, I'll I'll just throw this in there as well. This to me, speaks growth. We're growing the service. We found that there were bottlenecks.

00:21:05.270 --> 00:21:13.980
Charlie Lopez: And we found out that a lot of customers, not just from a day dev perspective. But we have customers that have multiple production environments in cloud

00:21:14.100 --> 00:21:17.840
Charlie Lopez: and when you're trying to do reporting anything around alerts.

00:21:18.200 --> 00:21:42.489
Charlie Lopez: It clearly is showing that by being able to itemize the customer ids, now we're able to look at all the details within those environments and itemize them specifically to those dads customers. So even from a reporting and alert perspective, your visibility is much better now, because you don't have to have all those different service instances to go in and look at the reporting. You're all doing the reporting, all within one instance, as we always say single pane of glass, if you will.

00:21:43.460 --> 00:21:57.209
Andy Whiteside: Well, and that gets to the reason why Z. Integrated service now, internally, to begin with. You know, I. It was to get our handle around the it sprawl that we've got going on, and be prepared to better understand it today, and better manage it into the future.

00:22:00.010 --> 00:22:04.050
Andy Whiteside: Okay. Todd, Jeremy, you think about this section, you would wanna call out.

00:22:04.630 --> 00:22:12.039
Geremy Meyers: Yeah. The one thing I'll call out is, first of all, I had this question come up this week, and I shot a mere note, and he

00:22:12.100 --> 00:22:25.809
Geremy Meyers: you kind of provided some clarity. But the important thing to note. Here is each citrix Cloud tenant can. Only I'm gonna use the wrong word here. Sort of peer with one service now instance. But on the flip side, and what we've got here is you've got one service now, instance.

00:22:25.960 --> 00:22:47.800
Geremy Meyers: and I don't know if there's a limit on this, but can obviously peer or manage multiple citrus cloud scenarios or instances here, which is, which is pretty neat. So what we've noticed what I've seen before is, you know. Not only do we have test dev production and things like that. But we've also got, you know. I've got a footprint, maybe in the Us. I've got another cloud that might be sitting like Apj, right, for whatever reason. But if you've got multiple instances.

00:22:48.080 --> 00:23:07.410
Geremy Meyers: regardless of why you've got them pulling them together, and then, secondly, just the things that you can pull into service now. So in the blog post here, it's specifically calling out published apps. But you know, machine catalogs, delivery groups, application groups. Even, you know, these are the granular levels of data you can actually import into your service. Now, instance.

00:23:07.430 --> 00:23:09.579
Geremy Meyers: So you get pretty flexible with what you do.

00:23:10.170 --> 00:23:23.890
Todd Smith: And I think that to add onto that, I think that's critical, because that's where a lot of customers are running their farms. Currently, right. So there's still a lot of legacy farms out there. So there, this is not a new concept

00:23:24.140 --> 00:23:30.120
Todd Smith: to have one pane of glass to kind of see all of what's going on across the board.

00:23:30.630 --> 00:23:36.830
Todd Smith: But but the interesting thing is, you know, Jeremy just mentioned this earlier about having customer conversations where

00:23:36.950 --> 00:23:39.819
Todd Smith: they're asking for more and more.

00:23:40.250 --> 00:23:48.949
Todd Smith: What can I do with what I already have type of question? So we used to refer to this app as application rationalization. which was.

00:23:49.110 --> 00:23:53.639
Todd Smith: what do we have? And who's using it? And what are we getting for value at it.

00:23:53.980 --> 00:24:01.110
Todd Smith: and what we're seeing? An awful lot of at least conversations that I've been having recently has been around.

00:24:01.490 --> 00:24:11.549
Todd Smith: How do I make sure I don't have shelf with? How do I make sure that my users by employees that are that are that are currently using systems that we're paying for?

00:24:11.840 --> 00:24:16.350
Todd Smith: How do we know that they're actually being used? What's the performance? Are they effective?

00:24:17.170 --> 00:24:19.779
Todd Smith: And if you don't have

00:24:20.120 --> 00:24:22.210
Todd Smith: good sources of data for that.

00:24:23.380 --> 00:24:27.560
Todd Smith: though you're still, you're kind of taking shots in the dark, right? So

00:24:28.090 --> 00:24:29.540
Todd Smith: access to

00:24:29.590 --> 00:24:35.589
Todd Smith: the information that's going to be provided by service now is going to show you not only

00:24:35.930 --> 00:24:47.560
Todd Smith: you know not only what people are using because of the volume of tickets. What are their what is their overall? Satisfaction level? Because once again it drives back to that conversation earlier about, you know.

00:24:48.000 --> 00:24:53.829
Todd Smith: the users now have the ability to kind of use whatever tools or different types of tools.

00:24:54.390 --> 00:24:57.340
Todd Smith: regardless whether corporate it is giving those out or not.

00:25:00.360 --> 00:25:02.229
Todd Smith: and they will. Yup.

00:25:03.520 --> 00:25:08.770
Andy Whiteside: Alright amir! Next section talks about a new dashboard for monitoring events from Citrix.

00:25:08.920 --> 00:25:17.069
Amir Trujillo: You know, if you can get stuff into a dashboard, it certainly makes it easier for the human beings to understand it. Forget about AI for a minute. Help us understand this part.

00:25:17.210 --> 00:25:34.550
Amir Trujillo: and this talks about the the new connection that we have with Adm, that's another service, a citric service, that it's from application delivery manager. And just to give you just a little bit of background for those that are not very familiar with ATM.

00:25:34.670 --> 00:25:47.710
Amir Trujillo: This is long story short, that's a service that will help you to centralize your net scalar administration. So just imagine that you can, instead of going to the, to the console and see

00:25:47.810 --> 00:26:13.779
Amir Trujillo: how the your net scalar or your networking environment is behaving yours. Automate that with service now, and have a incidents or events. Trigger based on the all the data that you are gathering from the Adm service into the service now console. So you can monitor if certificates gonna expire. If you have some issues with your networking environment, if you have some

00:26:13.830 --> 00:26:25.830
Amir Trujillo: packets dropping and stuff like that. If one of your notes on your net scalar, it's having issues. So, being proactive from a networking standpoint, is giving you not only a

00:26:25.970 --> 00:26:44.999
Amir Trujillo: resources access like applications and text stuff. So we are going further and say. let's see how your networking is working and going back to the how's the latency affecting your users. Hey, what's the user experience? If you are connecting from a Kevin, or if you are on the local network, so stuff like that

00:26:45.180 --> 00:26:49.429
Amir Trujillo: from a service. Now, standpoint in these automate automation.

00:26:49.610 --> 00:26:58.090
Amir Trujillo: it's going to give you more visibility of your environment from both applications and a networking standpoint.

00:27:00.280 --> 00:27:09.050
Andy Whiteside: Charlie, what! What do you have to add to that? Because I am sure that visibility is a conversation you have with customers have all the time.

00:27:10.520 --> 00:27:23.779
Charlie Lopez: It is a lot of a lot of the details. That Amir really covered. He's covered very well. Usually, when we're looking at visibility, a lot of the conversations wrap around gateway and wanting to find out what's going on with the gateway and

00:27:23.800 --> 00:27:53.150
Charlie Lopez: for the most part, if customers are not leveraging, adm they're they're really missing out a lot of the the intricate details, the the insights that are in there. So being able to pull in the the insights from Adm service now gives you that full visibility from end to end. I mean, II like how the article even reads, you know, acts as a single source of truth that enables you to view critical alerts, notifications. Well, every thought, everything, all in one place, is what we always preach. And I think this is great addition to put the Adm.

00:27:53.150 --> 00:28:12.419
Charlie Lopez: Events side by side with your Cv. And your Citrix cloud events to get that full visibility across the board, and just to add into Amir's point, he mentioned all the different actions and information that it pulls from it literally pulls any net scalar events in. So I mean, it's it's gonna be able to pull a lot of that data from Admir.

00:28:12.590 --> 00:28:13.330

00:28:13.660 --> 00:28:24.710
Andy Whiteside: I like the fact that in this one place, you're pulling those 2 things together, and you're not having to pay for a third party product to do it. And you're possibly pulling in other

00:28:24.770 --> 00:28:31.389
Andy Whiteside: ecosystem players. At the same time you get you get a view in one place of how it all comes together.

00:28:33.630 --> 00:28:36.339
Andy Whiteside: Jeremy Todd. Other thoughts on this.

00:28:36.990 --> 00:29:00.349
Geremy Meyers: This is pretty slick like. I didn't realize that we could do this until I read this blog post. But there's a feature inside of Adm that'll actually let you create service now, notifications so essentially the monitoring server on Adm can monitor anything you want on an addc so as as granular is weird as you want to get, go for it, because you can create a notification based on that and actually shoot that off to Ad, I mean to service. Now.

00:29:00.570 --> 00:29:02.700
Geremy Meyers: this is very slick, actually

00:29:04.010 --> 00:29:09.170
Geremy Meyers: like I'm looking at the the Netscaler article. Now, I'll post this in the chat, but it's very cool.

00:29:09.770 --> 00:29:12.109
Andy Whiteside: so I imagine you're in the woods.

00:29:12.570 --> 00:29:13.660
Andy Whiteside: I'm sorry. Go ahead.

00:29:13.910 --> 00:29:20.110
Todd Smith: II was just gonna say, just the just, the ex increased amount of visibility you can have

00:29:20.240 --> 00:29:26.320
Todd Smith: and and think about the if we can start gathering information at the network level.

00:29:27.000 --> 00:29:30.100
Todd Smith: That's where a lot of outages start.

00:29:30.260 --> 00:29:32.350
Todd Smith: especially on communications outage.

00:29:32.710 --> 00:29:39.219
Todd Smith: Whether they be, you know, disconnects, or whether they be a a reduction in service levels

00:29:39.230 --> 00:29:50.169
Todd Smith: or things like that. I mean just that visibility of being able to pull that information in from ATM, in being able to automatically trigger some type of investigation and and

00:29:50.460 --> 00:29:53.089
Todd Smith: addressing and resolving

00:29:53.260 --> 00:29:57.659
Todd Smith:  the issue right before it becomes big.

00:29:59.250 --> 00:30:04.089
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, maybe it may not be happening there. But the first place is going to be visible

00:30:04.720 --> 00:30:09.290
Geremy Meyers: absolutely. And here's the thing, too. I mean, listen, the team that is

00:30:09.630 --> 00:30:26.429
Geremy Meyers: monitoring the citrus environment. The folks that are, you know, keeping tabs on the service. Now, you know, alerts, I mean, they aren't Netscar people. They aren't networking people. So if we can go to them and say, Hey, listen, networking team. These are the things these are the key performance indicators for our Citrix environment. Could you create rules on it?

00:30:26.470 --> 00:30:34.490
Geremy Meyers: And let's keep an eye on these things and have it hit service. Now, you have folks who have no idea how the network works do not have some insights and performance.

00:30:34.950 --> 00:30:39.149
Geremy Meyers:  just based on. You know, these these metrics? Here, let's just look

00:30:41.230 --> 00:31:05.060
Andy Whiteside: alright. Moving to the next section enhanced integration with service. Now, virtual agent, I think every time we've spoken about service. Now we talk about the virtual agent. This is, I was still podcasting the work this morning this morning that was talking about, you know, search engines plus virtual agent plus AI. You know, we're, we're going to get to a point at some point. You just kind of talk to your computer, your phone, whatever your computer is and it, it knows

00:31:05.340 --> 00:31:20.630
Andy Whiteside: a little bit about you, and knows how to figure out what you're asking for, and comes back with viable results that do something Amir. What's the goal of the enhanced integration with the service. Now, virtual agent here

00:31:20.990 --> 00:31:32.640
Amir Trujillo: to the end user. So either, if you are any user that it's used to use the service now, Portal, and go to request something, or you're more,

00:31:32.900 --> 00:31:42.149
Amir Trujillo: Virtual applications, interaction with a virtual agent. It's the way that you you get a go. Basically, we are

00:31:43.270 --> 00:31:46.230
Amir Trujillo: putting all together from a

00:31:46.380 --> 00:32:05.099
Amir Trujillo: a portal look and feel to a virtual agent where it's going to start asking you questions and walking you through what you need on your daily basis. If you want to request something, cause he's the virtual agent service now is not only for issues he's just to. It's to procure something. She's just like

00:32:05.120 --> 00:32:19.119
Amir Trujillo: I need the server. II need a virtual dexter run application, access to some resources for my daily basis. If it's something to report an issue, I I'll walk my my virtual agents wanna walk me through

00:32:19.170 --> 00:32:30.909
Amir Trujillo: a the way to either troubleshoot it by myself, or escalate an issue to my citrix administrators. So I'm going to save time

00:32:31.350 --> 00:32:45.239
Amir Trujillo: being on the phone with this, a help desk Representative A, and in the other hand, the company is gonna have a cost reduction cause this whole nation with a virtual agent. It's going to save

00:32:45.470 --> 00:32:47.010
Amir Trujillo: men hours

00:32:47.220 --> 00:32:50.340
Amir Trujillo: trying to troubleshoot a

00:32:50.460 --> 00:32:59.920
Amir Trujillo: basic issues from an end. User standpoint, even open a chat bot at some point. I just start start talking to the service now, app.

00:33:00.100 --> 00:33:12.010
Andy Whiteside: and all this is happening. It's talking to me as if it's a human or I'm typing into a chat. But either way and I'm saving time and becoming more effective in aligning with how the next generation, maybe the current generation wants to work.

00:33:12.210 --> 00:33:13.060
Amir Trujillo: Right?

00:33:13.770 --> 00:33:18.890
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. Charlie. Let's what what do you wanna add here?

00:33:19.510 --> 00:33:24.129
Charlie Lopez: Well, I mean, II personally am one to not want to call

00:33:24.310 --> 00:33:50.810
Charlie Lopez: for help, and II think a lot of people could probably relate to that wanting to be able to solve their own issues. And then, once you're essentially living within one of these collaboration tools, it just makes sense that this is gonna really help those Ca, those users to be able to, you know, just get things done on their own without having to go through the hassle of not only spending time creating the ticket and calling in and stuff. But one of the things that I wanted to add on to what Amir was saying was.

00:33:50.840 --> 00:34:04.369
Charlie Lopez: not only could users go in and try and reset their sessions, but the the system is also intelligent enough to find, for example, that maybe a session is not even there and open the ticket for you, so it it can go further beyond, just, you know.

00:34:04.370 --> 00:34:14.410
Charlie Lopez: taking action based on your request, but also knowing that your request is invalid, based on some metric it's not finding. And then taking an action on top of that, and saying, Let me go, put a request for him, because there's no

00:34:14.692 --> 00:34:34.759
Charlie Lopez: session there. So it really is. Gonna be the future of self service support. You know, leveraging any of these, whether it's team. Slack the chat box, and then we'll we'll see if Alexa gets tied in here one day. It'd be nice to be able to just ask your computer. I need a desktop, preferably from Japan, because I'm doing work. And you know, in that region

00:34:34.760 --> 00:34:37.910
Charlie Lopez: couple of minutes I get a desktop provision, and I'm working in that region.

00:34:38.139 --> 00:35:03.410
Andy Whiteside: I am. I am literally the guy who still wants to talk to people. However, if the chat bot got smarter. I would rather talk to the chat, but I don't really want you to ask me how my days going and what the weather's like. I want you just to fix my problem. I'm literally downloading the service now, app onto my phone. And I didn't realize it wasn't on here because I want to get to a point someday, where I can just talk to that app and it it. It's it gets straight to the point, to the point where maybe it even learns me and decides, hey, this guy didn't wanna chitchat? He just wants an answer.

00:35:03.410 --> 00:35:30.170
Todd Smith: Those some people are efficient that way. They just they kind of are geared that way. Sometimes they may come off as non conversational. No, just want to get things done. Chat box does what I needed to without burning additional cycles. I don't have time to burn, so it makes sense. It would be perfect for those that just want to get things done and move on quickly. It's like people they want to go live out in the woods by themselves.

00:35:30.460 --> 00:35:41.570
Todd Smith: Organization's existence is that the the repetition of questions that we have to ask the customer every single time. So when you call into support.

00:35:42.090 --> 00:35:58.759
Todd Smith: you tend to get asked. what's your account? Number? What's your name? Who's your manager what numbers the best number to call back on? What's your issue? Your 6 or 7 questions deep before you start asking an answer, getting asked questions about what your real problem is.

00:35:59.650 --> 00:36:06.689
Todd Smith: then it spawns a whole bunch of other questions, because then you have to realize that the person

00:36:06.740 --> 00:36:14.260
Todd Smith: who's looking up the looking up your in their knowledge base. They're looking up information that's going to help you.

00:36:14.740 --> 00:36:28.880
Todd Smith: It relies heavily on the right search terms and the right verbiage that's been put into not only the search engine of it, but also all of the content that it's searching through the entire database. Right?

00:36:29.200 --> 00:36:39.339
Todd Smith: You get little, you know, it's too complex of environment to say, Hey, we're gonna have standardized answers for everything. And that's that's one of the big values of AI.

00:36:39.390 --> 00:36:50.380
Todd Smith: It's going to be able to sift through all those nuances in languages to be able to go and find answers for you quickly. and it's going to eliminate, you know.

00:36:51.490 --> 00:37:05.850
Todd Smith: when someone's asking what the weather is in Hunters Hill. Andy, it's it's there that's a that's a stalling tactic. Yeah. because something's happening in the back end on their system to figure out what they what the

00:37:05.860 --> 00:37:06.980
Todd Smith: what's problems?

00:37:07.410 --> 00:37:27.949
Andy Whiteside: So II did 2 tours of duty at Microsoft on Active Directory support, and II would have to install, and then I'd go ask Jason, who was my manager a couple of questions and then try to decipher his answer back to what I was. What if something was listening and it could start promising? Hey? It sounds like this is a similar situation to the case that was open 3 months ago. Have you looked at this case, and how they resolved it? That'd be awesome.

00:37:29.910 --> 00:37:32.149
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, Jeremy, thing to add.

00:37:33.250 --> 00:37:45.849
Geremy Meyers: no, this is great. I mean, listen, I'm looking at this going. This looks a lot like the the Dmv side on the North Carolina website. So this is how I do my registration these days. You know what I've been doing it this way 2 or 3 years.

00:37:45.920 --> 00:38:09.069
Geremy Meyers: It's pretty damn good, you know. I think the one thing that most folks give virtual assistance. A hard time about have been just. They're con. They have been looking for years on like keywords. Right. They're trying to pick out what it is you're trying to say, I think what's different is, they've really sort of evolved into this natural learning algorithm. So they understand the context. Now they understand what you're asking while you're asking it, how you're asking it.

00:38:09.280 --> 00:38:16.929
Geremy Meyers: And I mean, the better they seem. Yeah, I'll be honest. I'd much prefer talking to a Chatbot, even if it seems like it's human.

00:38:16.960 --> 00:38:33.340
Geremy Meyers: So I know this isn't true, but I in my head I envision that some like 15 people managing one person managing 15 chat bots, and it's actually and that that person's back there, Googling behind the chat bots. I know that's not how it works, but that's what my head thinks is happening.

00:38:33.340 --> 00:38:57.489
Andy Whiteside: Or that may be how it works today, but it won't work that way in the future. Alright over your next section. Citrix, Itsm, information technology service management tables, information in the developer document. So this is breaking down. What's been? Document, what what does this talk about? This is awesome. That's one of the advanced features that we have

00:38:57.490 --> 00:39:08.620
Amir Trujillo: for service. Now, integration cause it. It talks about the custom workflows. And this breach that we have for this integration with the workflow designer from service. Now

00:39:08.740 --> 00:39:15.039
Amir Trujillo: that basically, Citrix is giving you a custom workflows first out of the box

00:39:15.200 --> 00:39:35.070
Amir Trujillo: or the the the, the the repetitive tasks that we do. And, in the other hand, this advanced feature, where is going to give you. Custom flows where you're gonna add inputs outputs. And automatically, it's creating the script for you. So as a service now, developer.

00:39:35.460 --> 00:39:38.780
Amir Trujillo: you are able to start

00:39:39.120 --> 00:40:03.269
Amir Trujillo: creating workflows for Citrix, depending on your needs. So this is an advance, a again, an advanced feature that it's open to all the customers, and a but makes your life easier for sure, because it's going to use the api from Citrix a cloud to use, this queries to our Citrix that service

00:40:03.570 --> 00:40:20.740
Amir Trujillo: and a create, the provisioning workflows to get applications, generate port a work with the user session. Either if you want to reset decision, or if you want to lock up the user from the the current, a application.

00:40:20.790 --> 00:40:46.389
Amir Trujillo: you can run power, shell scripts and the end user virtual machine as well being remote. So all the power of a service now on the Administration, team, will it will give you these, these features, more and more advanced as you want. So you can basically query the database and

00:40:46.610 --> 00:40:49.690
Amir Trujillo: do whatever you want to do on these custom workflows.

00:40:51.010 --> 00:40:53.040
Andy Whiteside: Charlie, what else to add?

00:40:57.150 --> 00:40:58.249
Andy Whiteside: I think you're on mute?

00:40:58.390 --> 00:40:59.070
Amir Trujillo: Yep.

00:41:00.950 --> 00:41:22.370
Charlie Lopez: similar to the topic we're just covering when we're looking. And we're looking at your standard patterns of activities that your typical employees. Your users want to leverage whether it's reset a session, you know, these are standardized workflows that are set up and created. This takes it a step further, because when we're looking at very custom, not every customer has

00:41:22.370 --> 00:41:44.950
Charlie Lopez: the standard workflows used for whether it's desktop provisioning or deprovisioning or resetting sessions a lot of systems do have additional intricate, intricate you know, reporting systems that may need additional scripts to kick off, and by being able to have all this information available customers that don't have your typical setup like I had a customer who was a

00:41:45.170 --> 00:41:47.980
Charlie Lopez:  There are a

00:41:48.210 --> 00:42:00.590
Charlie Lopez: oh, what's the word? Sorry. So these cable companies have intricate billing systems in the back end that kick off concurrent sessions very quickly during quick period of that that setup. Well, this is a very

00:42:00.600 --> 00:42:26.219
Charlie Lopez: customized workflow where an automated session kicks off. All this processing work is occurring before the session shut down. While this customized workflow can jump in here and pull data, all of those different activities occurring and and be able to essentially create a workflow to support that. So it's just taking customization to a different level. To be able to support those custom workflows for for those customers.

00:42:26.240 --> 00:42:38.820
Amir Trujillo: Yeah, and to add more a little bit more. Here we are going back to. What's the goal of what's the feature of the end user experience at the administration just in mind how intelligent this can become.

00:42:39.440 --> 00:42:46.399
Amir Trujillo: We are adding these customized workflows integrated with a virtual agent, we can utilize a

00:42:46.680 --> 00:42:51.229
Amir Trujillo: analytics, Citrix analytics to start getting all this data and start learning.

00:42:51.250 --> 00:42:52.790
Amir Trujillo: And on top of that.

00:42:53.070 --> 00:42:58.560
Amir Trujillo: All that integration, pushing proactive events.

00:42:59.340 --> 00:43:21.609
Amir Trujillo: So that that's if that's a feature for an end user standpoint. Just if I have an engine that is. Gonna tell me, you know what from my workspace app. You know what your networking, your, your network connection has some latency. Just so you wanna go offline for a few. Or you wanna keep working a, my analytic service is detecting some

00:43:21.910 --> 00:43:24.139
Amir Trujillo: a lucky connection. So

00:43:25.120 --> 00:43:38.369
Amir Trujillo: instead of presenting an issue and create and report for a downtime. We can do a workaround or something for you end user. So that's I think that's the future of the end user experience.

00:43:38.470 --> 00:43:46.280
Amir Trujillo: Using all the the, all, all the options that Citrix is putting all together

00:43:46.390 --> 00:43:55.620
Amir Trujillo: to enhance the user experience. So, Jeremy Todd, do you want to comment anything around the the custom activities in the developer document that allows you to

00:43:55.760 --> 00:43:57.309
Andy Whiteside: expand upon

00:43:57.330 --> 00:44:00.840
Andy Whiteside: what you're trying to accomplish and continue to add functionality to it.

00:44:02.420 --> 00:44:11.389
Geremy Meyers: I was just gonna say, II think the key to any successful.

00:44:11.640 --> 00:44:13.299
Todd Smith: You know services package

00:44:13.740 --> 00:44:16.640
Todd Smith: that's out. There is the ability to to

00:44:17.470 --> 00:44:23.830
Todd Smith: add customizations and do it easily. And I think this is one example of you know

00:44:24.050 --> 00:44:25.890
Todd Smith: you don't have to be a coder

00:44:27.050 --> 00:44:31.890
Todd Smith: to make these customizations and and actually build out these workflows

00:44:32.560 --> 00:44:37.000
Todd Smith: as long as you can think through a process.

00:44:37.260 --> 00:44:42.810
Todd Smith: You know, the the toolkit seems to be very simple and easy to use

00:44:44.320 --> 00:44:56.749
Geremy Meyers: you. You know, the thing about this is, we're just talking about the Itsm adapter right now. But you know, in an enterprise environment you've got, you know, probably lots of integrations all tied into this. Right? So what's cool about this?

00:44:56.800 --> 00:45:03.010
Geremy Meyers: I mean, this is like crazy nerdy. I'm looking at the I'm looking at the actual developer documentation. Now, like the amount of data you can pull out of.

00:45:03.030 --> 00:45:26.349
Geremy Meyers: you know, this environment and the amount of like, you know, methods and actions that you can do is pretty crazy. So the idea that maybe you've got this thing to like. So Charlie mentioned you got this tied into your billing system somehow that's awesome. So based on when a static desktop gets provision on the back end, you know, you created a workflow that will go into the billing system. Tie this to a customer right? An internal, you know. Job code, that sort of thing, our cost center

00:45:26.350 --> 00:45:39.909
Geremy Meyers: and the flip side. If this thing doesn't get used for like 30 days, you'd be provision it, and guess what? You go back to Billing and you pull it right back out right? So the fact that you're creating workflows that yeah, or leveraging the heck out of the Itsm adapter, I mean, think about you've got so many things tied in.

00:45:40.040 --> 00:45:47.050
Geremy Meyers: I mean, it's really just the art of the possible at this point, like what supports the business. You've got a lot of workflow that you can get done.

00:45:47.110 --> 00:46:12.969
Andy Whiteside: you know. By the way, I know a partner that can do it for you. Exactly. Yeah, that's that's what I'm really getting at. Here's the the limit. It's limitless. It's limitless. And you've got graphical representations like this to help you figure out how to get it done taught. I talk to people all the time. Tell them about service now, world, and they're like, Well, I'm not a developer like, oh, you don't have to be. You just gotta understand common sense and how to how to put pieces together. Can you do a puzzle? Yes, okay, good. Then you can do this.

00:46:14.060 --> 00:46:19.739
Todd Smith: my, my first one of my first college coding classes was

00:46:20.440 --> 00:46:23.500
Todd Smith: we had to write down the steps that it took to brush our teeth.

00:46:24.080 --> 00:46:25.990
Geremy Meyers: Yeah,

00:46:26.180 --> 00:46:37.020
Todd Smith: And if you could do that then, hey? It's it's basically. And that was a linear. That was a very linear process. It had a couple of little iterations in there and stuff like that. But it really kind of opened up your mind to.

00:46:37.980 --> 00:46:40.640
Todd Smith: You know the basics of coding.

00:46:41.000 --> 00:46:45.590
Todd Smith: And ironically, it was in basic. But anyway, that's a bad joke.

00:46:45.900 --> 00:46:48.760
Todd Smith: but it really kind of opened up your mind to.

00:46:48.850 --> 00:46:54.989
Todd Smith: What are some of the processes, and what are some of you know? What's the steps it takes to go through this

00:46:55.040 --> 00:47:05.750
Todd Smith: nowadays. It's like you just talk into the computer. And the next thing you know, it says it's actually right code for you, or you use. like Chat Gpt, to write the code as well, which.

00:47:05.780 --> 00:47:09.110
Geremy Meyers: like that, could be pretty entertaining writing code to brush your teeth

00:47:09.210 --> 00:47:13.550
Geremy Meyers: just the while statement, while brow equals, stinks do.

00:47:13.590 --> 00:47:33.730
Andy Whiteside: And for a lot of people in our space it's not necessarily coding. It's just being able to understand the workflow itself and a lot of people in our space. They write scripts. I mean, it's it. You don't have to be able to write code or even write scripts. You just have to be able to think through a workflow, understand the story, think through a workflow, and the tool will help you put it together.

00:47:34.560 --> 00:47:49.480
Amir Trujillo: Alright, I'm here last section here talks about introducing new workflow enhancements, workflow enhancements. Help us understand what we're covering here. It's part of the workflows that we've been discussing at the end is just

00:47:49.880 --> 00:48:00.810
Amir Trujillo: how out of the box we can utilize those a workflows to the provision and set the desktops, as Jeremy said. If you have a desktop that is not being used for 30 days, just

00:48:00.830 --> 00:48:05.760
Amir Trujillo: decommiss it, stop paying for it, and then, or make and make it available for the next user.

00:48:05.780 --> 00:48:09.499
Amir Trujillo: So a repetitive task

00:48:09.550 --> 00:48:10.890
Amir Trujillo: out of the box

00:48:10.910 --> 00:48:25.330
Amir Trujillo: easy to use for the end users. So that's part of the enhancements that we have

00:48:25.790 --> 00:48:29.869
Andy Whiteside: customers on this product today that they do manually still today, and they don't even know any better.

00:48:31.620 --> 00:48:35.320
Andy Whiteside: Charlie conversations you're having with customers around the built in workflows.

00:48:37.250 --> 00:48:39.910
Charlie Lopez: Well, really around trying to

00:48:40.200 --> 00:49:08.739
Charlie Lopez: stop leveraging multiple consoles. Right? So a lot of teams do focus on trying to get some of the integrations of director over into service now, to be able to do some of these actions and simplify some of their their their daily activities by being able to do those actions within the service now console similar to what you're seeing here. And I it's not just something for the employee to be able to go and do self service, but also to improve the It team's ability to manage those sessions and do those resets

00:49:08.740 --> 00:49:29.560
Charlie Lopez: for themselves within the the service not console itself. So it's all really around that single pane of glass again, customers trying to leverage more of what they have, and figure out how to make it easy and simple to leverage and this really talks about being able to integrate that into service now without having to go back to director and do a lot of those activities.

00:49:29.900 --> 00:49:33.890
Andy Whiteside: Hey, Amir, how do you guys decide which ones are you guys gonna put in next you and Charlie both.

00:49:36.040 --> 00:49:43.160
Charlie Lopez: That's a great question. The activities that are called in the most would be

00:49:44.080 --> 00:49:50.679
Amir Trujillo: questions that I have with the customers cause. I

00:49:50.750 --> 00:49:54.260
Amir Trujillo: part of the Enterprise side of of the house.

00:49:54.980 --> 00:50:08.349
Amir Trujillo: and one of the most important, conversation I have is these customer wanted to see if they can use the service. Now, integration just to reduce for cost reduction

00:50:08.410 --> 00:50:20.520
Amir Trujillo: for third party vendors, for monitoring events and definitely pulling data from direct or from analytics, from all the different am

00:50:20.570 --> 00:50:27.010
Amir Trujillo: in a single pane of glass. It will give you the proactive or reactive actions that you're gonna have so

00:50:27.580 --> 00:50:35.020
Amir Trujillo: put in in front of the customer. I think that the first use case that we're going to be discussing with customers is session, reset

00:50:36.210 --> 00:50:46.029
Amir Trujillo: session. Receive is the number one, and from there, just to start customizing the the the workload workflows depending on the use case for each customer.

00:50:46.030 --> 00:51:08.619
Andy Whiteside: I mean, let's just walk through it through their session reset no brainer been needed to forever deep provisioning, static desktops. You know, we maybe we make a backup of it. Deep provision, and if somebody needs back later, we can figure that out and bring it back to them, assigning users and 80 groups. when processing tickets associated with requesting desktops. I mean, all 3 of those are old School Citrix 101 things that I bet

00:51:08.900 --> 00:51:12.629
Andy Whiteside: 99 point something percent of shops out there are still doing manually.

00:51:13.050 --> 00:51:13.910
Amir Trujillo: It's okay.

00:51:15.350 --> 00:51:19.390
Andy Whiteside: I would probably agree, unfortunately.

00:51:20.470 --> 00:51:25.930
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, but they don't know. Alright Jim, I think we might have lost Todd he might have.

00:51:25.970 --> 00:51:37.809
Geremy Meyers: I may have. I may have missed the chat. No, I think I think we lost them. We're top of the hour, so we've probably lost them. Yeah, no worries. Jeremy. The built in workflows, the ones that are coming next.

00:51:37.880 --> 00:51:40.860
Andy Whiteside: What's a what are your thoughts on these?

00:51:41.160 --> 00:51:51.249
Geremy Meyers: Oh, well, I love the fact that we've got some some out of the box. Work flows. So listen. If you don't have a lot of skill set and service. Now that's fine. I think we've got a great place to start, which I think is the

00:51:51.380 --> 00:52:02.870
Geremy Meyers: you know, the real point here, but you know ultimately you get as fancy as you need to, as creative as you need to. I think a lot of it just is understanding your business processes, you know. What do you need to support? I think you can wrap. you know, workflow around it. But

00:52:03.090 --> 00:52:04.670
Geremy Meyers: at the very least

00:52:04.680 --> 00:52:10.599
Geremy Meyers: reset sessions. It's the number one, you know. I you know lowest hanging fruit. They say.

00:52:10.680 --> 00:52:12.579
Geremy Meyers: Yeah, it's easy to do. Umhm.

00:52:12.670 --> 00:52:23.620
Andy Whiteside: Well, I love that. You guys are calling. You called out, you gotta understand your own processes. And what's missing? Start with, like what Charlie or Amir both mentioned? What? What are what are people calling you the most about. Let's fix that. Yeah.

00:52:23.790 --> 00:52:37.449
Andy Whiteside: Yup, hey, guys, thanks again. I know we're at the top of the hour and you have to drop. I'm sure you got other calls to be on. But I appreciate the time, and we'll get the word out there and get more people adopting service now, as it relates to Citrix. It's it's a no brainer.

00:52:38.800 --> 00:52:43.199
Andy Whiteside: Alright, guys. Thank you, Andy.