XenTegra - The Citrix Session

The Citrix Session: Reducing IT Costs and Carbon Footprint with Citrix DaaS and Microsoft Azure

November 21, 2023 XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton Season 1 Episode 149

Businesses today are increasingly focusing on two core challenges when managing their IT infrastructure: cost efficiency and environmental sustainability. The integration of Citrix DaaS with Microsoft Azure presents a compelling solution to address both challenges concurrently. Here’s how leveraging Citrix DaaS and Azure’s hibernation features can lead to significant savings, better user experience, and a smaller carbon footprint.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Bill Sutton
Co-host: Geremy Meyers


00:00:02.260 --> 00:00:09.670
Andy Whiteside: Everyone welcome to episode 1 49 of the Citrix session. I'm your host today, Andy Whiteside, Bill Sutton Jeremy Myers with you, Bill. How's it going?

00:00:09.810 --> 00:00:29.540
Bill Sutton: Going? Well? 1 49, wow! And today is November eleventh, 2,023 to give you kind of a reference on time. November 20. Something like that. That's right. Something week. Yeah. Thanksgiving week of 2023 Jeremy, how's it going?

00:00:30.040 --> 00:00:57.350
Geremy Meyers: It's going? Excellent. So this is 1 49, right? When you do your one hundredth peloton ride they send you a shirt. I feel like we need to do something special, for like the 1 50 that would be fun. I could send you a shirt. I got a whole closet full shirt, I mean, like a you know. I do have quite a few zint research, in fact. So I by the way, one of my favorite ones is the Z integral T-shirt. I've got a few of them to this place right?

00:00:57.530 --> 00:01:01.609
Geremy Meyers: I might even have one. This is Podio. That goes back a ways, though. And

00:01:02.130 --> 00:01:04.300
Andy Whiteside: do you have a Citrix Hoodie?

00:01:04.459 --> 00:01:11.090
Geremy Meyers: Oh, I do not. And I love hoodies. I could. Yeah, listen to Bill was.

00:01:11.350 --> 00:01:23.640
Geremy Meyers: you know, a mere 7 min for me. We could all through do the next one from the office. That May. That'd be a good 1 50 year. Bill. What was it saying? Don't say into the Leadership group in our meeting this morning by hoodies.

00:01:24.200 --> 00:01:26.340
Bill Sutton: You wanna give them away.

00:01:26.670 --> 00:01:39.289
Geremy Meyers: Everybody loves hoodies. We love em, and this is hoodie weather. This is like it's warm enough to wear. You could wear shorts which I have on right now. But it's chilly enough to where you wear, Hoodie. It's Hoodie and shorts weather

00:01:39.810 --> 00:01:48.209
Andy Whiteside: guys. So let me do this integral commercial. Sometimes I forget, sometimes I don't if you're working with Citrix and other Euc technologies, but specifically, Citrix.

00:01:48.220 --> 00:02:10.089
Andy Whiteside: And you're not taking full advantage of the product which you're not. I guarantee you're not. I was with customers last week in Toronto. They're using the bare basics of Citrix. They're complaining that it's too expensive, like guys, because you're not using it for what it could do. If you use it for what you could do with it. You could get a lot more value out of it, and the money it's costing would seem like nothing. Let us know we we want to help. We know there's opportunity to help.

00:02:10.270 --> 00:02:21.879
Andy Whiteside: I'm not gonna say every citrus customer out there, but I think it's close. I think it's close to every citrus customer needs needs more education, more knowledge on what they could do with the product. Because the product's not standing still keeps getting better.

00:02:22.110 --> 00:02:30.169
Andy Whiteside: And our goal here today in podcasting with content and context is to help people get more aware of what the art of possible is.

00:02:31.080 --> 00:02:54.480
Andy Whiteside: With that today's blog is from John Deegadi. I think so. We decided to pronounce it from 5 days ago, and the name of it is reducing it cost and carbon footprint with Citrix, Daz and Microsoft azure which in this case would be part of the Microsoft Azure Virtual desktop, the Enterprise motion maybe not native Avd, but Avd and azure desktops running in there, Bill, what's your thoughts on?

00:02:54.480 --> 00:03:05.179
Bill Sutton: What we're gonna cover here? Why is why is this one important? Well, I think it's important for a number of reasons. Obviously, one of the reasons is as as organizations shift more and more to the cloud.

00:03:05.180 --> 00:03:18.330
Bill Sutton: Obviously part of the reason for doing that. One of the reasons for doing that is to minimize cost increase of, you know, others are increase efficiency, agility, etc. But when you're looking at at specifically cost.

00:03:18.330 --> 00:03:41.539
Bill Sutton: if you run your vms in in the cloud all the time, you're going to spend a lot more money than if you're you're more pragmatic about it, and you're able to spend workloads that aren't being used and so forth. So the bill pause there. Most people are moving for operational reasons, maybe accounting reasons, cost reasons, and they don't do it right moving to public cloud. So we're talking about your public cloud, right? It gets more expensive. And you actually.

00:03:41.540 --> 00:03:44.139
Bill Sutton: you know, cause yourself a bigger problem. Exactly.

00:03:45.280 --> 00:03:47.339
Andy Whiteside: Jeremy, are you guys? Seeing that?

00:03:47.750 --> 00:03:50.700
Geremy Meyers: We are especially

00:03:50.790 --> 00:03:56.360
Geremy Meyers: as customers are rolling out single session. OS is more, more and more often right. So

00:03:56.400 --> 00:04:17.160
Geremy Meyers: listen. By far the most economical solution is multi session. OS Microsoft has recognized this. I mean that what do you think Abd is right? So certainly you could do with single session. But it's a multi session OS version of a desktop. OS, but customers are doing single session pull single session dedicated. You know. We've talked about that in the past. But

00:04:18.010 --> 00:04:32.609
Andy Whiteside: data centers on our hardware. We just spent the last 15 years ish, maybe 10 years moving away from multi session stuff because it causes problems. Now we have to manage profiles. Now we have to, you know, think one user versus another one on the same system.

00:04:32.780 --> 00:04:44.559
Andy Whiteside: now, sudden, we gotta go back to that. If we want to get through a value out of cod, or we have to take advantage of some of the some of the better, more newer more advanced technologies that we're gonna talk about today.

00:04:45.830 --> 00:04:55.080
Geremy Meyers: Yes, sir, in fact, I think what we're going to talk about today is not even smoke and mirrors, which is features that have been baked into the product to support that use case. Andy.

00:04:55.220 --> 00:04:58.840
Andy Whiteside: yeah. And they've been around for a while, some of them

00:04:58.970 --> 00:05:00.460
Andy Whiteside: and some of them are newer. But

00:05:00.720 --> 00:05:05.210
Andy Whiteside: people me ask, let me ask you guys a question before we get started. Why why does azure?

00:05:05.230 --> 00:05:07.420
Bill Sutton: Why does azure

00:05:08.570 --> 00:05:14.060
Bill Sutton: promote this feature or this capability? Why? Why is azure interested in reducing consumption?

00:05:14.200 --> 00:05:16.310
Andy Whiteside: Because Microsoft's just nice guys.

00:05:16.570 --> 00:05:32.270
Andy Whiteside: No, look, the the ultimate goal is, they know that the desktop workload is a very lucrative workload to have in your public cloud, because it it consumes a lot of compute. Even if you're being optimal and efficient about it. It consumes a lot of compute.

00:05:32.310 --> 00:05:37.700
Andy Whiteside: And if the desktops come, guess what else is going to come? Everything else?

00:05:38.010 --> 00:05:38.940
Geremy Meyers: Yeah.

00:05:39.310 --> 00:05:50.959
Geremy Meyers: yeah, if it's the most expensive thing you buy, Bill. They're not gonna put. Folks aren't gonna do it. So I mean, they understand they have to embrace. It's a catch, a little bit of a catch. 22, right? Like they want folks in the cloud at the same time. They have to make it.

00:05:51.100 --> 00:05:53.069
Geremy Meyers: you know, affordable and manageable and

00:05:54.090 --> 00:06:00.900
Geremy Meyers: good point. Yeah, absolutely they do. And I think another element of it. And this is just my opinion is

00:06:01.130 --> 00:06:13.509
Bill Sutton: capacity and and expansion of the data center footprint, the azure data center, for it's kinda like the the power company wants you to reduce your power usage during the middle of the summer. Why? Because they don't have to build more power plants.

00:06:13.780 --> 00:06:25.520
Bill Sutton: not because they're given. They want to give you back. You know your your money. They they don't. They want to be able to control better control the expansion and part of that's on them. But part of it is on us.

00:06:26.200 --> 00:06:49.949
Geremy Meyers: Yeah. II remember very vividly beginning of the pandemic. Can't believe we would talk about that like. It's almost 5 years ago, but it's not. But I remember there was a point where. So, because I mean, there's so many customers spinning up resources and azure. It was like one of the European regions they ran out of capacity. Couldn't spend things at. If you didn't have a reserved instance, you were not spinning up a new Vm. I remember that.

00:06:50.790 --> 00:07:11.130
Andy Whiteside: Alright. So I think we've hit the point that you could have a hundred servers running an azure. Okay? Great. You have a hundred desktops running in azure. All of them have to be built for that high water mark in terms of memory and processor performance. It's such a lucrative workload. It's like, you know, there's a really good business in United States selling you know, half ton pickup trucks.

00:07:11.470 --> 00:07:14.480
Andy Whiteside: But there's also a really good business selling

00:07:14.990 --> 00:07:30.590
Andy Whiteside: cars of all types. So you got your you got your high-end high performance cars, and then you got your you know, your 4 door cars. The car section is super important and valuable, and that's where the desktops fit into the public cloud.

00:07:33.510 --> 00:07:39.470
Andy Whiteside: I think I might have just to convince myself how to talk about that

00:07:39.930 --> 00:07:46.350
Andy Whiteside: like it can't just be about selling trucks. You gotta sell the rest of it. And, by the way, there's more cars on the road than there are trucks by far right?

00:07:46.650 --> 00:07:54.430
Geremy Meyers: Maybe the best way, look at that is like transfer trucks hauling around all the heavy workloads versus cars.

00:07:54.720 --> 00:08:00.600
Andy Whiteside: You know, the cars are really the the lucrative part, even though, we typically started with, you know, we start with the trucks thinking about

00:08:01.140 --> 00:08:11.519
Andy Whiteside:  okay, so I think we covered that so the first call out here is embracing hibernation, the hibernation feature. Jeremy, you wanna cover that

00:08:12.250 --> 00:08:15.210
Geremy Meyers: absolutely. So

00:08:15.740 --> 00:08:27.289
Geremy Meyers: I mean th. The none of it is is we can hibernate virtual machines. Now. So in the past you really had 2 states either running or shut off right? And so there was no middle middle ground there, and the challenge is.

00:08:27.510 --> 00:08:42.539
Geremy Meyers: listen, if you gotta start a OS from scratch, it takes a while right? And so, you know, if I could send this article to anyone, it would be citrix it Csg it because the virtual machine that I have at Citrix, by the way, it's great runs in azure. You know it's managed.

00:08:42.890 --> 00:08:50.160
Geremy Meyers: but it's it's power up power down. And I think I've figured out our disconnect schedule it's gotta be like 3 h

00:08:50.260 --> 00:08:54.320
Geremy Meyers: because it turns off, and when I have to turn it back on I go get coffee

00:08:54.530 --> 00:09:03.150
Geremy Meyers: and I come back. In fact, I can see the you know. I get the progress bar at the bottom of the screen that actually walks me through what's happening. And I can see powering on your Vm. And

00:09:03.750 --> 00:09:31.920
Andy Whiteside: that is when it's time to go hit the espresso. So, Jeremy, a couple of stories one, it's Monday. So I logged in my virtual desktop, which does not run an azure. It runs in my own data center. It was up and running. However, it was not logged in, as me so literally. 2 or 3 min later. By the time all the applications had launched and everything was happy, it was. It was ready to be a high performing machine. But I had 3 min of, you know, going and doing something else while it got ready like we had. It wasn't the log. It wasn't the profile. Notice all those apps that have to start in the background. Yeah.

00:09:32.480 --> 00:09:49.480
Geremy Meyers: So I mean, it's your point, though. Th, those are several things that have to happen. Even once your machine boots up, you log in for the first time. Guess what happens. Lose your profile, loads all the apps, all the services. What do you have running has to be fired up before you get what they call an interactive session. So if you've ever gone into director.

00:09:49.540 --> 00:09:54.810
Geremy Meyers: ever gone into analytics and and sort of picked apart your user experience before you can actually get around the

00:09:54.980 --> 00:10:20.440
Andy Whiteside: using your machine, it's got to be interactive. So well, in parallel, I bought I bought another TV from my house, and this is in my living room. So it's the nicest TV I have, and it's much nicer than all the other ones, and all the other ones take forever to come up and get going. This one I discovered of the weekend has a feature where it kind of hibernates. It kind of goes into a screen saver, and then hibernation mode, and all I have to do is wiggle the wiggle the remote, and it's up and going and ready to be used in like 2 s. It's game changer.

00:10:21.140 --> 00:10:28.330
Geremy Meyers: Yeah, you know. I wonder if a combination of this is also windows, too, because, you know in the past I've got a Mac. I use it quite frequently

00:10:28.370 --> 00:10:52.709
Geremy Meyers: that hibernates like a champ, and when I open it up I'm just good to go immediately, and that's always been an issue I've had with some of my windows laptops. By the way, it's kind of a lot better with windows 10. And I would argue, it works really well in windows. 11. But just the hibernation feature that is built into windows is not being great over the years, I think they might have nailed it. I hope they've nailed it. Yeah, that and the combination of the hardware underneath it's much faster than it would have been back in the day when it was hibernating

00:10:53.190 --> 00:11:00.129
Andy Whiteside: on top of legacy. Hardware I'll be. I'll be honest. I do have kind of a Tesla laptop. Now, so you're that's a fair point. Yeah.

00:11:00.140 --> 00:11:05.359
Andy Whiteside: Bill. Just hibernation in general. And the and people taking advantage of it.

00:11:05.480 --> 00:11:31.800
Bill Sutton: Yeah, I think it's it's a huge new feature, and you know, obviously, you know, it mimics what a lot of folks are doing on there, or have historically done on their physical devices, you know, closing the laptop lid and letting it go to sleep or hibernate, and then bring it right back up. One of the challenges in the past, and azure in particular was that this feature wasn't available. Now it is and Citrix has jumped right on it and started taking advantage of it, I think. We'll see more about that as we move through it.

00:11:31.820 --> 00:11:39.289
Geremy Meyers: So this is what I think is the game changer in this feature. So typically

00:11:39.360 --> 00:12:07.160
Geremy Meyers: a, unless you knew what you were doing. It was easy to miss this. But let's just talk about vms in general. Vm, sitting in azure, right as any goes to this video here. But you know, vm, sitting in azure, if you shut down your virtual machine from within your virtual machine. You just go to start. You go to shutdown. You power it off right? It will shut down your Vm. But what it doesn't do is deallocate the resources. So what that means is when a machine gets turned off and those resources get deallocated, they get basically put back into a pool

00:12:07.160 --> 00:12:16.650
Geremy Meyers: that another machine can pick up and run with right? So historically, if you went inside the Vm. And you press start, you shut down the whole 9 yards it would shut down your mid machine. But it didn't deallocate

00:12:16.650 --> 00:12:46.129
Geremy Meyers: the problem with that. Is, it still cost you money? It was almost like you had it running because you're still tying up those resources. That's a very big deal. Now, if you went from within like, say, the azure console, or, better yet. Even within studio, right? If you shut down a Vm. From within studio or the azure portal, it would not only shut down that machine, but it would deallocate those resources which meant, you can get charged for. You got a little bit of charge based on the hard drive and the storage you had. But ultimately you were getting charged for memory. You weren't getting charged for, you know the 16 cpus you thought you needed

00:12:46.320 --> 00:13:00.690
Geremy Meyers: great. So what's slick about this hibernation feature, is it deallocates those resources when you shut it down? So it's basically putting it to sleep deallocating the resources. You're not being charged while this thing is hibernating. You go press your desktop again. You want to boot it back up.

00:13:00.870 --> 00:13:02.659
Geremy Meyers: bam! It wakes up from sleep.

00:13:02.960 --> 00:13:16.519
Geremy Meyers: The magic has gotta be how it just ties resources back into a hibernating vm, but that is 100% a game changer. And what makes this different and faster than simply shutting down and following the auto scale schedule.

00:13:16.740 --> 00:13:22.710
Andy Whiteside: So Jeremy, the the game changer for me is, yes, this can happen now. And the user experience

00:13:22.760 --> 00:13:25.829
Andy Whiteside: is a big benefit from it. They get a big benefit from it

00:13:26.550 --> 00:13:37.320
Geremy Meyers: 100%. So speaking as a user, because I am a consumer of this technology. I'm an end user at Cloud software group is this would be phenomenal, right? Because I am

00:13:37.470 --> 00:13:48.569
Geremy Meyers: 5 min my day. I just recoup. Granted 5 min right. But from a user experience, it's super fast, right? So I get what it's doing on the back end. I get how it's helping it save money. And all those things. But ultimately to your point.

00:13:48.630 --> 00:14:11.290
Andy Whiteside: I just love the fact that it's fast. Well, and here's the challenge for older people like us. We used to care less about this, but now you got a whole generation come coming up or in the workforce already where they hit. They've hit a button for the last 10 years, and everything just came on instantly. The idea! They have to wait on something to spin up and hear all the hard drives spinning all that stuff they they would not begin to accept that.

00:14:11.440 --> 00:14:36.620
Geremy Meyers: You think they've ever heard of hard drive. But not though, Andy. Let's be honest

00:14:36.820 --> 00:14:51.250
Bill Sutton: watching regular TV and commercials came on. They didn't understand what that was and didn't understand why they couldn't pause it. I can't pause this. No sorry doesn't work that way. It's it's the old school. So yeah, you're right. My wife and I intentionally

00:14:51.390 --> 00:15:01.109
Geremy Meyers: start watching house hunters every night before we go to sleep. But we watch it 10 min after it's already started, and then we start from the beginning. Just so we can fast forward through the commercials.

00:15:01.590 --> 00:15:08.889
Andy Whiteside: Occasionally I'll be watching the commercial, I realize, hey, I don't have to do this. And this click, click, click, click, click! Now I'm at the next scene.

00:15:08.940 --> 00:15:10.400
Geremy Meyers: Oh, that's good.

00:15:10.600 --> 00:15:19.730
Andy Whiteside:  so, Jeremy. Question on this does. I guess this doesn't apply to multi session. This would just be single session, persistent or non persistent, but single session.

00:15:19.780 --> 00:15:27.220
Geremy Meyers: It would be really hard to do for multi session when you think about it. I mean, any given time you're gonna have folks logged in. When would you hibernate, you know, whereas.

00:15:27.670 --> 00:15:46.349
Geremy Meyers: you know, on a single session it makes sense. The optimization with multi session is a whole another world, anyway. So doesn't really matter. Yeah. So I mean, so I don't know how you aggressive you would be on some of these auto scaling, you know, algorithms that you get running, or even disconnect timers and that sort of thing. But

00:15:46.530 --> 00:16:00.929
Geremy Meyers: you know, we talk about this a lot. We talk about dedicated machines. And granted there's a management side of that. But you know we're talking about cost here. Does this change the game in terms of do I feel more comfortable rolling out single session dedicated OS's.

00:16:02.660 --> 00:16:07.979
Geremy Meyers: I mean, this is gonna nose dive the cost tremendously. Hopefully, II think he's your fighting chance.

00:16:08.400 --> 00:16:18.490
Bill Sutton: I think it does. I hadn't thought about it. But that's a really good point, because, you know, one of the obviously the advantage of multi-session is, it's effectively in most cases always on

00:16:18.670 --> 00:16:27.640
Bill Sutton: by doing. By leveraging this feature. you get kind of the same behaviour from a from a single session machine. Or you could.

00:16:28.560 --> 00:16:43.830
Bill Sutton: Yeah, I mean, it feels a lot like when you just open your laptop and boom. You're at a desktop. Not quite the same, but we're getting there right. So you're not just another desktop. You're back where you were, if you if you pause your work, I mean, that's the the key thing is the ability to get back to where you were very quickly.

00:16:43.870 --> 00:16:50.499
Geremy Meyers: Yeah, yeah, that's probably the more annoying thing, Bill, around. My current policy is when I get logged off.

00:16:50.860 --> 00:17:03.010
Geremy Meyers: I love the idea. Listen! I fire up my desktop at the house. I fire up my virtual desktop at the house. I frequently go to a coffee shop, and I love the fact that, you know I've transitioned from my windows machine to my Mac with the exact same spot.

00:17:03.120 --> 00:17:10.500
Geremy Meyers: Every so often I get a bug up my button. I fired my bun to desktop, and I again. I'm right back at the same spot anytime. I have to wait

00:17:10.819 --> 00:17:18.149
Geremy Meyers: because I've waited too long to log back in. It starts me from scratch, and I almost it's almost defeats. The purpose is really what it is

00:17:18.250 --> 00:17:26.510
Andy Whiteside: you're trying to, you know. Eat your own dog food, drink your own champagne, but if you 3 h is not a lot of time to transition and be back and keep it alive.

00:17:27.630 --> 00:17:34.679
Andy Whiteside: I think we probably covered it. But Jeremy, take a shot of the operational efficiency and cost savings that this brings into play.

00:17:35.440 --> 00:17:39.259
Geremy Meyers:  so I think really what we hit is.

00:17:39.460 --> 00:17:40.750
Geremy Meyers: you know, we waste

00:17:40.950 --> 00:17:55.269
Geremy Meyers: 30%. I guess this is what the article saying? Just by having things running. So you know in the cloud. So the idea of leveraging the hibernation feature you could probably be a little bit more aggressive about turning machines off now than you might have in the past.

00:17:55.310 --> 00:18:06.349
Geremy Meyers: I mean that that equates to some money here, for sure, some real, some real spend, some hard costs which you know when we are asked to meet with customers and go through a sizing, not necessarily a sizing, but just a cost.

00:18:06.570 --> 00:18:20.849
Geremy Meyers: Your analysis. sometimes it's hard to quantify things like management overhead. Things like that, right? So anything we can point back to a hard savings and cost resonates with with customers that's easy to go figure out, whereas

00:18:21.340 --> 00:18:29.469
Geremy Meyers: I'll tell you that your guys are spending less time managing desktops like people like that. But it's hard to quantify it. This is a hard spend that we can go quantify.

00:18:29.660 --> 00:18:36.689
Andy Whiteside: And I think this is part of the difference between Bill's comment around. You know, multi session versus single session. You get single session. Now.

00:18:36.750 --> 00:19:05.409
Bill Sutton: Tim, Log stays running for an hour, 2 h, whatever. We don't really need to be concerned with that anymore. Right?

00:19:05.670 --> 00:19:29.950
Bill Sutton: So now we we they log off at Hibernight. Maybe you give it a half an hour or something before it hibernates in case somebody connects and then immediately connects realize they forgot to answer that email. Or what have you? But the point is, you, I don't know why you would even bother to shut the down other than perhaps to do maintenance periodically. But beyond that, I would leverage this feature all the way around, because it would significantly improve the end. User experience.

00:19:30.310 --> 00:19:31.050
Andy Whiteside: Yeah.

00:19:31.880 --> 00:19:40.740
Andy Whiteside: Next section talks about auto scale and azure hibernate a powerful one to duo. Jeremy. Why are they saying that?

00:19:40.880 --> 00:19:51.989
Geremy Meyers: So you know, at the end of the day. You've gotta set a schedule on when you've got machines set running peak times and schedule times, you know. Just think through your power management, auto scale features as it is.

00:19:52.030 --> 00:19:54.969
Geremy Meyers: I think it could be a little more aggressive with your

00:19:55.370 --> 00:20:09.990
Geremy Meyers: with your settings. Now. You know the idea being normally, when you turn on auto scale, you want to have machines running so that if I'm a user, I've got a machine teed up that I can connect to right. So you've got to go through and sort of estimate, and we'll listen. My.

00:20:10.270 --> 00:20:22.620
Geremy Meyers: you know, 8 in the morning, right? I wanna make sure I have enough vms for for folks to. you know, connect and log in, and I have to wait number one to the login process, but even getting to the part where I log in, I don't want to have to be powering up machines now. Granted.

00:20:22.740 --> 00:20:25.139
Geremy Meyers: it does happen in azure fairly quickly. But

00:20:25.290 --> 00:20:34.910
Geremy Meyers: I think you can be a little bit more aggressive in some of that scheduling, because the boot up time is gonna be so much quicker, and you know, also wonder if you need to, even.

00:20:35.200 --> 00:20:38.780
Geremy Meyers: you know log folks out any more as much as you just put em to sleep.

00:20:39.320 --> 00:20:52.729
Geremy Meyers: because at the end of the day to your point, Bill, I'd like to reconnect and be exactly where I was, and not have to wait on that login process, either to load the profile again for the first time, launch the apps that normally launch, and then once I got a desktop start clicking things just to get to back where my

00:20:53.110 --> 00:21:05.420
Andy Whiteside: in my, my preferred user state is. So is this is this, because of this, we can, we can be less aggressive with auto scale cause. We don't have to be trying to save all the time, because hibernation is gonna help us save.

00:21:05.550 --> 00:21:07.020
Andy Whiteside: Is that the real message?

00:21:07.850 --> 00:21:20.929
Geremy Meyers: It could be. I guess I need to. I need to go through and pick this apart a little bit. So there's a there's an article that's linked inside of tech zone that actually gives some guidance on what that might look like. In fact, there's a pretty fascinating

00:21:21.080 --> 00:21:29.629
Geremy Meyers: crap on just cost savings. But to your point. If autoscale's gonna turn me off then then yes, I could probably be less

00:21:29.890 --> 00:21:34.600
Geremy Meyers: aggressive. But there's some features here, and I'm looking at the preview features here.

00:21:34.820 --> 00:21:53.499
Geremy Meyers:  there's a there's a knob that says auto scale support for hibernation, which I guess means as opposed to completely turning off a Vm. Auto scaling might just hibernate a Vm. Instead, which means I could be more aggressive and just hibernating vms as opposed to turning them completely off. Does that make sense

00:21:53.980 --> 00:21:57.929
Andy Whiteside: turning completely off and or scaling down.

00:21:59.380 --> 00:22:07.279
Geremy Meyers: Is that part of the story, too? I would think so. I'll have to go back and look. I don't think there's a screen graph for this yet. I haven't turned this on. I don't think we've got this

00:22:07.290 --> 00:22:10.070
Geremy Meyers: preview turned on in our test environment. Yet, either

00:22:11.040 --> 00:22:12.640
Andy Whiteside: they bill comments here.

00:22:13.430 --> 00:22:38.940
Bill Sutton: Yeah, I you know, I think again to what Jeremy was saying is that we probably can be more aggressive. Because at the end of the day, what really? My my question is that I think this really applies to more to persistent workloads than non persistent workloads. At least that would be my thinking, because persistent work or excuse me, non persistent workloads when you shut when they when Citrix studio shuts those down.

00:22:38.940 --> 00:22:45.739
Bill Sutton: They are fully deallocated, and and in many cases even the storage footprint can be removed. So you you're you're getting additional

00:22:45.740 --> 00:23:09.550
Bill Sutton: cost savings if they're non persistent for persistent desktop desktops. I the only time I would ever shut them down would be during a maintenance cycle if I if there's something I needed to do or we you maybe once a month, or something on a on a weekend when you're doing maintenance to your Vdi environment. Maybe I would, I would consider doing it then, but for the most part, outside of that, I think hibernation is gonna be a game changer in how we manage these things going forward

00:23:09.940 --> 00:23:12.620
Andy Whiteside: well, and that's that's to me.

00:23:12.970 --> 00:23:24.240
Andy Whiteside: the Microsoft angle we've talked about on this call several times. I've talked about it. Several people talked about last week and customer meetings. We don't do enough persistent desktops.

00:23:24.670 --> 00:23:33.860
Andy Whiteside: We need to do non persistent for security reasons. But we've also we've also hamstrung the the virtual desktop world, public cloud or not

00:23:33.890 --> 00:23:39.580
Andy Whiteside: by focusing on non persistent every chance. And it's and it's there's a whole nother delta of users, a big one

00:23:39.590 --> 00:23:45.349
Andy Whiteside: that don't use Vdi, because they've been told non-persistence. The only way to do it right.

00:23:47.350 --> 00:23:54.650
Andy Whiteside: I I'll tell you. Personally, I've got my own virtual desktops. I do use them every week back, when I had my own persistent one. I used it every day.

00:23:55.050 --> 00:23:55.810
Geremy Meyers: Yeah.

00:23:57.060 --> 00:23:59.749
Andy Whiteside: Jeremy, do you? Do you have a persistent or non persistent.

00:23:59.970 --> 00:24:03.179
Geremy Meyers: I think I've got non-persistent, but I do have

00:24:04.740 --> 00:24:12.150
Geremy Meyers: it persists some changes, though, outside of the profile. I've got a few things installed. So I think that might go into a layer. And maybe yeah.

00:24:12.170 --> 00:24:33.770
Geremy Meyers: you know what? I don't use my non persistent as much as I use my persistent, not because I can install apps. I can install apps, and either one it takes longer to get going. And that's where this whole hybrid thing. Yeah, no, that's a fair point.

00:24:34.390 --> 00:24:46.559
Andy Whiteside: Section talks about the green impact. And before I let you guys even talk about that, I'm gonna say, Green, and it as much as we want to talk about saving the earth is about saving money or making money. What do you think

00:24:48.150 --> 00:24:51.110
Geremy Meyers: I'm not gonna disagree with you? I mean, that drives

00:24:51.670 --> 00:24:57.609
Geremy Meyers: business like, I think it's this is definitely important. You know, I think this is probably more important from a corporate

00:24:58.210 --> 00:25:04.160
Geremy Meyers: business level, that it is an it level to your point. But knowing that it

00:25:04.590 --> 00:25:08.510
Geremy Meyers: is viewed as a a cost centre more than anything it shouldn't

00:25:08.520 --> 00:25:25.310
Geremy Meyers: like, II think that it runs a lot of business, and I think that needs to be recognized. But let's be fair. You know a lot of organizations. Look at it as a as a cost center, as opposed to anything revenue generating. So I mean, I think you hit the nail on the head. You know anything it can do to save money, probably

00:25:25.800 --> 00:25:31.160
Geremy Meyers: where it starts. But this does drive corporate green in, you know, green initiative for sure.

00:25:31.610 --> 00:25:32.340
Andy Whiteside: Yeah.

00:25:32.650 --> 00:25:38.069
Andy Whiteside: anything it can do to help you make money and parallel also. Save money

00:25:38.110 --> 00:26:07.200
Andy Whiteside: is is everybody's winning, and if it does good for the earth at the same time, I think everybody can be happy with that. It helps companies make a lot of money, but they're just not very good at articulating that we. They will turn it off for a day or 2. See what happens. Conclusion here Bill, I'll let you go. First. Conclusion, hibernation in Microsoft Azure public cloud, as it relates to desktop virtualization strategies.

00:26:07.240 --> 00:26:26.979
Bill Sutton: What does it do for? Yeah, I think they've the first sentence is interesting. Given our conversation a few minutes ago, and that it's a new paradigm for managing persistent machines. I again, I think this is a game changer. Is, you know, is the ability ability to leverage this feature and improve the user experience at the end of the day. And then, of course, you get you get the

00:26:26.990 --> 00:26:46.610
Bill Sutton: the benefit of some cost savings. That result from this. And so the you're getting cost savings at a better user experience. You know. Usually those are those are items that are contradictory, right? But here we're getting to the point where we can. We can have both. So II think it's a great great new feature, and I'm looking forward to testing it and playing with it.

00:26:47.220 --> 00:26:52.830
Andy Whiteside: Before I let Jeremy answer that question, I wanna tell you what just happened to me. I just ordered my lunch.

00:26:53.070 --> 00:26:59.000
Andy Whiteside: and because Panera knows what I normally order. I had to go. Click, click, click, done

00:26:59.180 --> 00:27:01.860
Andy Whiteside: similar thing right. It was ready and waiting. Only.

00:27:02.010 --> 00:27:06.650
Geremy Meyers: So what you're saying is, your piner order was hibernated until you

00:27:06.740 --> 00:27:17.410
Andy Whiteside: log back into the app, and it just had you go next. Next. Next. It allowed me to just jump in right where I left off last time I made it order, and the convenience of it

00:27:17.540 --> 00:27:19.730
Andy Whiteside: was noticeable

00:27:19.770 --> 00:27:39.500
Andy Whiteside: to the point where if I'm you know someone a little younger, I don't remember the old process of having to walk in order something, and I'll never. And I'm gonna have to just keep evolving to what's next. Right? It's gonna be have to be something next. But even someone of my age recognizes. Hey? That's so much better. And I couldn't, I would II don't wanna go, or somewhere else.

00:27:39.570 --> 00:27:41.139
Geremy Meyers: because right here they know what I want.

00:27:41.740 --> 00:28:08.590
Geremy Meyers: Jeremy. I don't think it's it's, it's it's, it's, it's, it's, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's

00:28:08.700 --> 00:28:21.449
Geremy Meyers: I mean, listen, I think they'll hit the the nail on the head. I really do think this is a game changer. I love the idea that well, and I'm I'm a little surprised that hibernation was just recently, I guess, added by Microsoft. But

00:28:21.470 --> 00:28:27.340
Geremy Meyers: nonetheless, you know the fact that we've already tied that into auto scaling. It's pretty slick, actually. So

00:28:27.620 --> 00:28:34.920
Geremy Meyers: if I can make the the case turn this on on my virtual desktop. Csg, that'd be fantastic. Because I think user experience is a big deal.

00:28:35.200 --> 00:28:38.810
Geremy Meyers:  you know. And this is what I'm used to on a laptop.

00:28:39.220 --> 00:28:50.019
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, you've gotten used to it over the last 10 years. You hit a button and it's on. If you have to wait 30 s to get your laptop, your TV, to turn back on. It feels like a lifetime.

00:28:52.630 --> 00:28:58.939
Andy Whiteside: Alright. Well, gentlemen, thanks for joining, and I always get talking to you guys and appreciate the discussion. And I look forward to doing again next week.

00:28:59.050 --> 00:29:01.550
Geremy Meyers: Yep, yep, I will see you guys next week.