The Citrix Session
Welcome to 'The Citrix Session,' where we bring you the latest in Citrix technologies and solutions. Hosted by XenTegra, this podcast dives deep into the world of Citrix digital workspace solutions, exploring everything from virtual apps and desktops to networking and security. Join us each episode as we discuss best practices, new features, and expert strategies to optimize your Citrix environment and enhance your user experience. Whether you're an IT professional seeking to expand your Citrix knowledge or a business leader looking to improve operational efficiency, 'The Citrix Session' is your essential resource for staying ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Tune in to transform the way you work with the power of Citrix and XenTegra."
The Citrix Session
The Citrix Session: Introducing Citrix uberAgent: Best-in-class EUC monitoring
Citrix’s recent acquisition of vast limits GmbH, the German-based company behind uberAgent, marks a significant enhancement to the suite of Citrix observability solutions.
This strategic move not only broadens the capabilities of Citrix’s existing solutions set, encompassing Citrix Director, Monitor, Probes, Analytics for Performance, and Analytics for Security, but also introduces a new era of end-user computing (EUC) observability.
uberAgent’s capabilities aren’t just limited to Citrix. You can leverage its monitoring capabilities to observe Windows AVD and W365 Cloud PCs as well.
Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Bill Sutton
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Andy Whiteside: Hello, everyone, and welcome to episode 1 56 of the Citrix session. I'm your host, Andy White Side. I've got, Bill said with you, Bill. New title you're now the the business unit director of our modern workspace practice, which means Citrix consulting which you've been doing for a while, anyway. And now the product and things that go with it as well as some other technologies those now belong to you. Thoughts on thoughts on what that means, and and your plans for that line of business.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, certainly. It means a a, a very interesting and and exciting endeavor
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Bill Sutton: to take on a a more direct business role and be the the focus, the focus being modern workspaces which includes all things end user computing. And beyond. Certainly it's gonna be a learning process for me in some areas. But in a lot of areas, I've got the the background and experience, and I think will help
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Bill Sutton: drive it forward. Obviously, this is gonna involve sales and understanding licensing which I used to understand. But over the past 4 or 5 years I've kind of moved away from that. So now I'll have to re familiarize myself. So, looking forward to engaging regularly with customers, partners, etc., salespeople
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Andy Whiteside: on a much deeper level than I have. Historically, I mean, essentially. And your previous jobs. You did this
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Andy Whiteside: whether it was official or not, but you were always carrying the Citrix flag, for what?
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Andy Whiteside: Excited, excited for you, excited for me, cause now I get to well, do less of this, but still involved, I mean I can't take my hands off of it. Alright. So here's the here's the test. You ready.
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Andy Whiteside: Let's hear you do the commercial.
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Andy Whiteside: Oh, which commercial I'll do. I'll do it for you for this one, if you're listening to this, and you use Citrix technologies, and you're not getting everything out of the platform. And I did use the word platform that you should be.
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And most people aren't. And when I say most people, I'm talking. 99% aren't getting out of the solution what they could and should be. I meet with people all the time, and they they wanna show me their virtual desktops, and how 20% of users who come in remotely use it. And I'm like, that's great. But that's not. That's not what the platform can do for you. If you're one of those customers
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Andy Whiteside: you're looking for a partner who will really help you, and in some cases many cases challenge you on what the art of possible is, or maybe even worse. You're one of those companies that's actually pulling back from virtual computing and going back to physical computing and enabling a bot army of possible endpoints to come. Attack your environment.
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Andy Whiteside: Let us know like we can help you. I know we can help you. In this podcast. Is just one way, we try to make that evident to people that we can help. What do you think? Though absolutely agree couldn't have said it better myself.
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Andy Whiteside: Well, next time you get to say it
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Andy Whiteside: us, let's see. So let me the today's blog that we're gonna Review is introducing Citrix Uber, agent best in Class Euc, because one of the announcements last week at unite was that Citrix had acquired Uber agent, which, by the way, Bill, do you know any really really good Uber agent partners?
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I know 1 one that's us right. We we love. We've been using internally for a long time. It's phenomenal product a little bit of an a little bit of a thing that I don't know how how well this gets called out in the blog and make sure everybody's listening. Knows you need to be a splunk shop, either going to adopt Blanc or you have splunk in order to take full advantage of uber agent without splunk. It's not all that useful. So there's lots of other products to to be thinking about there
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Andy Whiteside: but Uber agent as far as end user compute and monitoring that experience again, this this blog is from well, probably from last week. Sometime, actually, I'll see a date on it. Christian swind Swindeman is the author of the blog. I guess he's a a citrix person cloud software group person.
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Andy Whiteside: amazing product. So Citrix, let me just read it for you. Citrix Citrix's Re. Recent acquisition of vast limits. Gmbh, the German Based Company behind Uber agent uber age will be the product marched significant enhancement to the suite of citrix observability, observability solutions.
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Andy Whiteside: really
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Andy Whiteside: good investment from Citrix, great investment from Citrix to continue to attack
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Andy Whiteside: the our blind spots, which is that end user. Compute performance. And I don't know if it's even in the blog or not. But security, what is this right here? Performance and analytics for Security Bill? Just general thoughts behind the acquisition.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, I think this is this is a really interesting, interesting one. And and definitely, very strategic. Obviously, we've got director and monitor in the Cloud and other other analytic capabilities that sits developed over the years. But this takes it to a net the next level, and being able to go a lot deeper in the actual workloads themselves as well as support analytics for other platforms, including physical endpoints.
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Andy Whiteside: He was kind of interesting because Citrix is with director and analytics for performance and security kind of had some of this stuff. But this, this is the part where it really starts to get real as an agent based solution on the virtual desktops. And and I say virtual desktops. There's nothing that stops this thing, I guess, from from monitoring endpoints as well. It'll be interesting to see if they do anything with that as part of their go to market. Absolutely.
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Andy Whiteside: So I think what I wanna do let's hit the couple of business things real quick. It's part of Citrix platform licensing, which is an invite only program. Let's see what else? What else at a high level before we go into the video that we wanna make sure we highlight about Uber. And I've already mentioned this blunk thing. I've mentioned the ability for it to, you know, monitor performance and security. I mentioned part of Citrix platform license invite. Only you don't have to be big. You just have to have, you know, commitment to Citrix, that you're gonna
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Bill Sutton: you know, subscribe to a certain number of licenses, and then, you know, grow within that license count, and then true it up later. What else? At a high level, from a business before we jump into kind of more? The analytics in the video or more of the detail in the video. Yeah, they they towards a little bit further down in the in the article itself, I believe. They they talk about some of the efficient threat detection engine, that which I was not aware that was actually part of Uber agent. They? They've got this threat, detection and engine that augments existing Edr solutions.
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That show. They've got a screenshot of it. And it's actually it's right above there, there it is!
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Bill Sutton: Actually pretty slick looking in terms of identifying risks and helping customers. helping customers better know what's going on in their environment in conjunction with other tools.
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Andy Whiteside: You know that I guess for me that ties the 2 things that are the most important, and I don't know which one's number one and which ones number 2. They're both very important in in user compute. And that is performance and security security and performance. You know, Uber agents a product that allows us to kind of get our hands around both simultaneously.
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Andy Whiteside: cause you really can't say one's more important than the other. They gotta both be top of mind absolutely. And and it's kinda like, what do you want? The old build adage? And I'm not gonna remember what it is. But do you want performance or security, or performance, or cost performance, cost or security? You can only have 2 out of 3. I think that's we're starting to turn that on his head a little bit. But nevertheless,
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Bill Sutton: performance and security are key pieces of that. We obviously, if the solution is not secure. Customers aren't going to want to adopt it or leverage it. And we it's gotta be performance for end users, or it's not gonna get used.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah.
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Andy Whiteside: there's there's an acronym used in here. Edr and Xtr, which I think very interesting. It says, augment Edr.
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Andy Whiteside: You know, I think that's super important, because the world is rotating towards Edr solutions, which is great.
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Andy Whiteside: But a lot of those don't have the capabilities down within the operating system that this has. And so you know our security department, we're already talking to your agent about how important it's gonna be for security. I think this is yet again moving Citrix into being a security company position where a lot of people don't think of Citrix as a secure solution to computing.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, I think I think a lot of folks do feel that way, but it definitely security is a piece of it. When you think about the the whole architecture, the way citrix environments have been built over the years you're separating the delivery of your applications from the location where they execute from the execution. And you're keeping that in the data center behind the 4 walls, in theory or in the cloud. And the endpoint is not necessarily the is not going to be the attack vector in those cases in most in most cases.
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Andy Whiteside: So Bill, video, this is gonna be posted on Youtube at some point. But I'm gonna do something slightly unique for us. And that isn't play of video that's in here. And it's really for the just the sound of it. But I'll play a video that goes over in pretty good detail what Uber agent is? II think it's interesting that the video has the title page, and it shows physical computers and applications, and then Citrix. And then it shows Microsoft which? Okay, that's part of the Citrix story.
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I get it. But if you were using Uber agent and in Microsoft only shop. Well, guess what?
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Andy Whiteside: You can't have it anymore. In fact, you can't have a raging outside of the Citrix platform license going forward, which is, gonna be interesting. I'm I won't quote exactly how much, but we had a whole lot of business with Uber agent that we now can't get so if you're listening to this, and you're part of that part of Citrix the amount of money that it cost us. I mean. It was a significant amount of money for Citrix to buy uber agent, cause we lost a bunch of deals that we're gonna come in without a doubt
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Andy Whiteside: gonna come through us, anyway, Citrix and Microsoft. And then one of the very far right, I find very interesting vmware. So I guess a lot of vmware shops or some we're using uber agent. I guess they're just out of luck unless they're gonna move to Citrix
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Bill Sutton: certainly would seem that way. This video may be something obviously predated. The acquisition is more focused on functionality. But
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Andy Whiteside: yeah, I would. Based on the way way we understand it. I think you're right. Yeah, I don't think this came up last week, but in effect, II assume, as strategy level. People are thinking this way. But this is just yet another reason why Citrix believes they should be able to win some of those vmware customers back.
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Andy Whiteside: That went the other direction during all the you know the bundling and things that happen in the rise of vmware horizon. Alright, I'm gonna play the video and then I'll stop it. And you and I can chit chat about it.
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Andy Whiteside: Uberagent is the perfect monitoring tool for any kind of end user computing whether you have physical Pcs. Virtual desktops, Citrix, Microsoft or Vmware. Rest assured that Uber agent has been optimized for your use case.
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Andy Whiteside: Okay? So quick. Comment. There, I mean, that's exactly not accurate anymore. Because we're not talking about physical endpoints. We're talking about Citrix platform license opportunity. So basically virtual apps and desktops vdi as well. So that parts already been, you know, thrown upside down.
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Other products rely on the performance counters built into windows. Uber agent has its own metrics, covering key aspects of user experience and application performance.
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Andy Whiteside: Let's talk about that for a little bit. There's a lot of products out there that use use the whim information that you get out when Wim, I think, has been so long since I pulled that thing up and that that Microsoft presents
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Andy Whiteside: so uber agent has its own set of calculations that it collects. I think that's the first opportunity to bring up this and tell me if I'm wrong. But Uber agent is agent based. We're not just relying on windows, and there's been a whole history, you know, you and I have had for the last 20 years, where the whole goal was to get out of having agents. But the reality is, if you want really good data, you gotta have a an agent, and ideally, it would be, you know, lightweight and efficient.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, this is the article. But you're right, absolutely. It's agent based. And the agent is extremely lightweight.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, I just. I can't wait. I'm I'm pretty sure they're gonna rename this to edge site. And I hope not.
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Andy Whiteside: That would be bad. It would be actually a really good name for it without the legacy of you know the other stuff.
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Andy Whiteside: Here we go. It doesn't just collect data. It gives you the information that matters
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application identification dealing with process names as they're shown in task manager is cumbersome. How many different processes an application is comprised of is typically not relevant. What matters is the performance of the application as a whole uber.
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Andy Whiteside: So they people can't see they could hear, but they can't see the screenshot. There's a bunch of different processes. I think I saw chrome dot exe 6 times in the list. They were just showing you know, especially when we're talking about later. How browsers play a role in application delivery these days, you know, aggregating all that and give it you one, you know, one target to shoot at instead of shooting at a bunch of small ones. Certainly gives you a fighting chance.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, and the ability to be able to see which I think they'll they'll bubble up here in a minute. But the ability to be able to see of those multiple executables which one is which tab, as it were, and you know, if you got one of those executables using a large amount of CPU rather than just seeing one chrome with a large amount of CPU, you can be able to. You can identify which one of the tabs is really the one that's the culprit. Here.
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Andy Whiteside: They don't shoot, don't shoot the whole crowd. When it was just that one being right.
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Andy Whiteside: the agent makes it easy to find that out by automatically grouping processes into applications and calculating its high quality performance metrics per application. In the same way it does per process, machine or user session log on duration.
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Andy Whiteside: They bill. It's 2024 people still struggle with long logins. Oh, absolutely. They do. One of the most common issues that we run into that May. You may have to mute and unmute.
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Bill Sutton: Yeah, it. It? Can you hear me? Okay, yeah. It's one of the most common issues we run into is, you know, login times that we get a lot of customers reaching out, saying, You know, oftentimes is profile based or it's a Gpo. They added in that is consuming a lot of cycles that that will cause it.
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Andy Whiteside: And and I think those are the people that reach out. I really, really, really struggle, because I still, you know, run to people all the time that complain about that. They don't complain about log logging times. They just learn to live with it and bring it up and say, Okay, what's your login times? And they start quoting like 2 min like they've given up, and they quit asking. And then you get to like a citrix, for example. And you talk to their you know, technology folks,
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Andy Whiteside: form, or what would it be called? An sc, and and they they act as if as if this problem's going away. I think uber agents gonna be the one to highlight. It's still a problem. We need to fix it. And there's partners like Zintaker that can come help and tools like this that are able to help identify it. Yeah, absolutely.
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Bill Sutton: Log on duration is critical for user experience.
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Everybody wants fast logs, but nobody has them. Uber agent helps you optimize by showing exactly how long each log-on takes and what happens during that time it breaks down the total log on duration into phases like user profile loading, group policy processing or logon script execution. Uber agent even visualizes what happens during those phases. Do you know which commands are run as part of the logon script, and how long it takes to execute them? Uberagent does
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Andy Whiteside: so, Bill, II feel like we've had that for a while now with, say, director and other technologies take that up a level. Yeah, it does. It goes deeper than some of the other tools that we leverage everything.
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Andy Whiteside: Bill, I'm sorry I'm losing you again.
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Bill Sutton: It goes deeper than some of the tools that we've had in the past. Yeah.
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Bill Sutton: I'll just mute and unmute every time I want to talk. There's something wrong with. There's something when I'm in a zoom session that causes that to happen to the other person. I got no worries. I'm connected to so many things. Alright. Now we're gonna talk about this little thing called network latency. We ran into this last week.
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Andy Whiteside: and we have director. But this this, and we might even had Uber agent. In this case, we were able to identify it was the the telco or the is ISP. Yeah, anyway, let's see what says
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network latency?
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Often, when applications are performing badly, the root cause is an overloaded back-end server. Such issues are hard to diagnose. Uber agent makes it a lot easier by showing you how much data was transferred to which back-end service and exactly how long that took
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Andy Whiteside: alright. So me pause, ever click. I jumped immediately into the idea. We were talking about delivery of the the presentation protocol, ica hdx. In this case
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Andy Whiteside: it was actually talking about the backend latency between the app and the server, providing the data for the app
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Andy Whiteside: which that is a whole new element of a visibility into app performance beyond, you know, just the latency between the the presentation server Ak, the Vdi machine, or whatever. And the end user? Yeah, that that absolutely. I had the same thought, can you hear me? Okay, actually have the same thought that they were talking about. What we are traditionally see, is latency, which is between the presentation server itself or the the Vda and the endpoint
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Bill Sutton: the users device. But it's interesting that they're looking at it from the standpoint of that that Vda to the internal application. I wonder how that works with the Saas based app, though.
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Andy Whiteside: I don't know. We'll find out. We'll find out. I think. I think the the the concern is that people have always like in the last, I don't know. Well, I'll say it so in the last, let's say 10 years we didn't worry about the speed of the local area network. Even the way in a lot of cases. Now, some of that data for that app is actually going into a different data center, Aka cloud somewhere. Public cloud, private Cloud, what have you?
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Andy Whiteside: And all of a sudden it could show up as a real issue again. We're not worried about, you know. We're not talking about the the broadband, another broadband, but the high speed connection back in the data center. And we're talking about getting from one data center to another who you know, who knows what we're writing on that point.
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Application, ui performance end users do not care about Cp utilization or disk. I Ops. They want snappy applications that do not keep them waiting.
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If it wants to provide a good user experience, it needs a way of measuring the responsiveness and abdications. Uber agent provides that Uber agent constantly determines which application is in the foreground and measures that application's user interface. Latency. Times of unresponsiveness may add up to long periods of forced end user inactivity, resulting in significant hidden costs to the business Uber agent brings these inefficiencies to light by visualizing wait times per application machine or user.
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Andy Whiteside: Alright, though, let's pick on outlook for just a second.
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Andy Whiteside: at least 5 times this week, if not, 20 outlooks gonna go slow on my local computer outlook's gonna be slow. It's gonna freeze. It's gonna have little things saying unresponsive up in the screen. Now.
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Andy Whiteside: I'll be using that part of my week through a virtual desktop and part of my week local. I'm all over the place, but when I use it local, and see that I always had this Aha! Moment of
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Andy Whiteside: you know what, when that happens at Citrix in a Citrix session. I blame Citrix, but it's happening right now, and there is no, citrix.
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Andy Whiteside: Maybe these applications are the problem. And I just lump everything into a bucket that didn't deserve it. Yeah, exactly.
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Bill Sutton: we, you know, we we see that a lot, you know where there it's blamed on Citrix. And yeah, it's actually the application itself, or the latency between the application and the back end or something else along those lines. So yeah, I've seen it before, too. I mean, outlook. It's not just outlook. I've had other applications that just kind of hang, and you get to not responding. And sometimes they come back, and sometimes they don't. I'm usually not patient enough to wait for that. I just kill it and relaunch it. But obviously in a virtual desktop. You you could. You might be able to do the same thing. But
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Bill Sutton: the point being that with Uber agent the ability to be able to see that and understand the frequency of that from a from an administrative standpoint, might might, help us be able to troubleshoot and resolve it. In some cases
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Andy Whiteside: troubleshooter resolve it, prove ahead of time that it's happening, for when that's the proactive piece I think, is what's so exciting about this absolutely
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Bill Sutton: round the performance.
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The days are long gone when the browser was just another application. Modern websites are applications of their own, and the browser is their operating system that has consequences for monitoring.
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It's no longer sufficient to gather performance data for the browser as a whole.
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Andy Whiteside: When, for example, Internet explorer CPU usage is high, administrators need to understand what caused that? Is it the business, critical Erp site? Or are people just watching fun videos on Youtube, Uber agent shows you the performance impact each website has on your systems
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want to know how many iops twitter.com generates. Now you can.
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Andy Whiteside: So, Bill, that's pretty much the end of the video.
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Andy Whiteside: you remember what that many years ago all the stuff we had to worry about was going to be solved because we're just gonna use a browser. And the browser was, gonna be the answer for everything. It's brought its own set of challenges with it. It has from a performance perspective, from a security perspective, as we know a lot of things.
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Andy Whiteside: on that note. I'm going down through the the article here in the blog, and it calls out browsers where it's, you know, helping to provide information on. And they even call up the Citrix Enterprise Browser, which you know as you and I know, that's just chromium but Citrix Citrix's packaging of chromium. I think, as people start to adopt Citrix enterprise browser, more, which I think they will when they realize what they can do with it. And as Citrix kinda changes the way they package it. Maybe a little bit.
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Bill Sutton: I think there's gonna be more and more need to understand what that's things doing it in the video just now. They even called it an operating system, which, if you look at what Google's doing with their chrome OS, it's not a far stretch to think the browser is an operating system. No, it's not a far stretch at all, and this is a really cool what they're able to do here, when, if you look at the graph in the actual blog article itself that it, it's able to identify requests and duration and bandwidth and other and other metrics. It's only showing
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Bill Sutton: average requests by website. So this is not just telling me how many requests chrome is doing. But I'm actually able to identify which website the user went to and what the average duration was for each one of those websites over time. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Yeah.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah. And then they even I'll read this next paragraph because I think it's really important for Citrix folks to get this part unlike Citrix Director, which primarily focuses on servers and clients within a citrix deployment. Uber agent encompasses all aspect of the user experience across various platforms includes metrics for installed application. Ui rendering delay network delay
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Andy Whiteside: which districts engineers and architects required required to effectively investigate bottlenecks and application performance. I'd I'd 100% agree. And I haven't said this word, this acronym yet. But this is the the dexy part. This is where citrus involved into, you know, real user experience, digital experience
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Andy Whiteside: pieces which have become probably the most important part plus security. We talked about a while ago. So I've kind of lumped those together under the the acronym or the moniker dexing. Yeah, it's dex. I think I think I've gotten can. The other vendors has got me saying, Dexy dex right? You know. Digital experience. That is
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Andy Whiteside: what's always mattered. We just now have a term for and a way to to attack it. Yeah, for sure. And this is really interesting. This kind of goes back to what you were talking about in the video, and that is the network delay and rendering, and so forth, between the virtual desktop or the virtual app and the back end.
00:23:53.690 --> 00:24:22.589
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. So Bill, your your thoughts on how excited you are about the opportunity to bring your agents to More Co. We've been bringing it to people for a while. Now we have many, many more people that we can help from acquiring the product through the Citrix motion and then help them implement it and get something out of it. Your thoughts on that. Yeah. I mean, obviously this, the the depth of visibility this gives to customers is key, and certainly will make their troubleshooting and and and
00:24:22.590 --> 00:24:28.420
Bill Sutton: planning for deployments and other and security improvements that we have not had here. So
00:24:29.740 --> 00:24:45.639
Andy Whiteside: yeah, II set you up with that question with the intent that I go out and Google Citrix Black Eye, you know, for that famous picture of the with the black. I didn't find it is as easily as I thought I would, but that's how I wanted to end this. I think that's to me that's kind of sums it up. This is our chance to
00:24:45.660 --> 00:25:05.109
Andy Whiteside: to kind of fix that and go after that yet again. After all these years, with a more powerful tool that is now part of the platform, definitely no powerful tool, and and gives you know, Admins and engineers and architects. The ability to really see a lot deeper into the what's going on in their systems, and some of the tools we had in the past. Yeah.
00:25:05.260 --> 00:25:15.980
Andy Whiteside: it's funny. I'm you know, Googling, for that, and I'm finding the same guy pops up over and over again. I guess he's the poster child of it. not currently with a black guy, but he's probably had it somewhere along the way.
00:25:16.250 --> 00:25:19.840
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, for sure. Maybe maybe he wrote a blog about that at some point.
00:25:20.870 --> 00:25:36.119
Andy Whiteside: Well, Bill, congratulations on the new role. I'm excited about it. I'm you know. We we were at it at unite last week, and you know we bring so much value to the Citrix community. Had a lot of people reach out, and you stopped me in the hall. One guy heard me talk and said, Oh, you're the podcast guy
00:25:36.190 --> 00:25:44.520
Andy Whiteside: that was awesome. And and they were all very thankful. And then guys, I, hopefully, we come off humble and and we are. We are who we? We want to be right.
00:25:44.590 --> 00:25:50.370
Andy Whiteside: just super proud of what we're doing for the community through this podcast and the blog reviews that we do, and.
00:25:50.420 --> 00:25:55.849
Andy Whiteside: you know, still got some people out there that you that want to give us a hard time.
00:25:55.880 --> 00:26:07.390
Andy Whiteside: Some of them are citrix employees. But whatever excited to be doing this, and excited for you in your new role. Yep, thanks, Andy. With that we'll wrap it up, and we'll talk to you next week.